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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔
3 𝑊𝑒𝑒𝑘𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

Iris looks around London and Kristen pulling out Fabric, Dress ideas, Different flowers and a dream board. Iris raised her eyebrows feeling overwhelmed.

"Okay! So.. Iris's dream wedding! Oh my gosh this is amazing. I've always wanted to plan something like this..." Kristen says in excitement.

"Kristen.." Iris says

"Sorry girl she's just really excited." London says over Kristen rambling.

"I was thinking you could where one of my lip kits cause ya know, I'm still working on this makeup thing."

"Kristen..." Iris sung a little bit rubbing her temples. London throws a pillow at Kristen right in the face, she stops rambling.

"Kristen, stop. Your stressing her out." London shook her head. Kristen looks at the both of them and chuckled.

"Sorry." She said. Iris got up laughing.

"It's okay, This is just a lot to handle. With Sekani's birthday around the corner, this new job, and now wedding plans. It is a-lot." Iris sighed. The three of them sit on the couch, they were in Christian's mansion. Iris already knew she'd be living here once they got married, she'd already been living here once they met.

"Cant believe my nephew is about to be a year old! Where has the time gone?" London says,

Iris puts her head down and sadly smiled. "Yeah... time flies. 3 years with Christian."

"Have y'all ever celebrated y'all anniversary?" Kristen tilts her head.

"No. Never, wow. I mean, when me and him started to "date" or whatever. He was super confusing at first, this whole relationship as been confusing. But if we were to celebrate our Anniversary I would say it was 2 months ago." Iris nervously bit her lip.

London hits Her arm. "Iris!" She shrieked

"What!? I wasn't paying any attention, I got other shit going on!" Iris exclaimed.

"Do you think Christian knows?" Kristen says

"He never said anything to me." Iris shrugged.

It's went dead silent.

London spoke up. "Are we just gonna ignore the fact Iris said she had a lot going on? What's going on, babes?" London says, They both look at her.

Iris looks down and let's put a shaky sigh. "I'm pregnant."

London chokes on her water. "What?!"

"Oh wow, shut up." Kristen laughs. "No seriously shut up!" Kristen ushers yo get hugging her tight.

"When!? Where!? How!? Wait... I know how but like... huh?" London gasped.

"When? A week ago. Where? In the bathroom when I peed on 11 sticks. How... I don't need to explain that one.." Iris chuckled

"You certainly don't. You and Christian fuck like Jack rabbits." Kristen nods. Iris leans her head back and held back her laugh.

"Did you tell him?" London asked

Iris simply shook her head no. She hasn't told him yet, she been planning too but he's never there. He always out doing whatever. Iris knew what he was working on, She just needs time with him to finally tell him properly. Iris sighs. "It's fine.. I'll tell him when he comes home tonight."

"He better not be cheating, if he is I'll kill him." Kristen blurted.

Iris swallowed her large gulp in the back of her throat from the thought of him even doing that. Would he?

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