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Christian Dior Brown

Dior takes off his shades at the sight of Eddie, he stands on the porch of his luxurious mansion. Christian scoffs 'what kind of plain ass, small ass, weird looking ass House is this?' he thought to himself. Multiple bodyguards come on christian side and stand behind him along with Mace. Christian put on a smile, knowing that any minute now his soldiers would ambush him in a shootout. Eddie, smirks at Dior.

"You walk with pride, just like your father" Eddie says' "I wasn't expecting you so soon. Where is Iris?"

Dior smirked "So, here's the deal. Iris is not here-"

"But I asked for iris. Not you. Where is she?" Eddie asked smoking his cigar

"I don't take orders from a diabetic... yeah.. You should really keep your medical data on lock... hows surviving leukemia? Are you bald yet?" Christian snorted

"You got jokes huh?"

'"And you love wasting my time!" Christian reclaims. He tilts his shades off his face and looks at Eddie with cold eyes. Eddie stares right back at him.

"Follow me inside my office" Eddie turns on his toes walking into his mansion. Christian looks around seeing men in black with slicked back hair and beattie eyes. Dior's bodyguard followed after him, seeing how Eddie had a very creepy house christian cringed at the color. It was brown, with a bear skinned rug, very plain and dull. Christians house is nothing like Eddie's, his house was black, mixed with silver, white floor tiles and dark brown wooden floors. Christian steps into his office. Eddie sits in his chair.

"Please, sit"

Christian straightened up his shoulders "I'll gladly stand." christian smirked, "what do you want with iris? Why do you keep fucking with my family? Hm? You mad cause my dad shunned you? Is that why you started this war?"

"Oh, christian. You out of all people should know that the London mafia and russian mafia have been at each other's throats for about.. 50 years now. Just like you, I was next in line for the boss position. My son was next in line or it as well but... he sadly died"

"Died? I thought he disappeared."

"No. he died 2 years ago, Tremaine Anthony Barker. You know till this day we still can't find his body" eddie chuckled

Christian thought for a while "Iris told me... your son abused her."

"No, he didn't. Iris is a lying bitch-'' Eddie got interrupted when christian jumped over the table and jumped onto edding causing him to fall out his chair choking him nearly to death.

"What did you just call her!? Huh!?" Christian says just then one of Eddie's body guards came knocking christian on his head with a bat causing him to lose consciousness.


Christian eyes fluttered open, he was sitting on a couch. Christian wasn't pleased to see Eddie infront of him, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Dior glares at eddie.

"You don't know how much, I want to claw at your face. Hang you from a tree- well... i'm not gonna tell you my plan when i kill you" Christian shakes his head

"Brotha, you are the one that got hit on the head with a vase and you're still making empty threats."

"Empty!? You must not know me... that's not a threat eddie... it's a promise" dior raised his head.

"A promise?"

"Yeah" christian dragged out the 'h' for a second. Eddie laughs.

"You know you got some pussy ass body guards? Them bitches ran out... including your second in command." Eddie says

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