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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris trudged down the hallway in pure annoyance. She was bored, when she's bored she's annoyed. Iris smacked her teeth in annoyance walking into another empty room, Dior's massive mansion was too big for her liking. She kept getting lost.

Dior had been gone since he left To go "Somewhere" yesterday. Iris takes out her phone, scrolling through her contacts, she had called Kristen and London To tell them she is alright. London did not like the fact she was with a kidnapper.

Kristen was the exact same way "he kidnapped you and your are with him again!? Come home! He's creepy" Kristen says. Iris wants to come home but something tells her to stay here. Iris enjoys Christian's company, even though he is sometimes weird. After the masquerade ball, Iris talked to him like a human being and he's actually a normal person. He's not open about his feelings but he's still selfish about things.

Iris texted her dad just to check up on him. He's probably at work. She thought. She puts her phone back in her hoodie pocket. She walks down the long hallway near his office, she stops at the big portrait and turns to the left where his office was, she walks inside.

Her fingers run over a little table filled with decor. She looks around and walks over to his desk sitting in his chair. She smirks.

"Look at me, I'm Christian, I'm a self centered, ignorant piece of shit. I love stalking my kitten even if she likes it or not. I am who I am and no one can change that" Iris twirls in his chair mimicking him.

Iris looked at the file cabinet, she tries to open it but it was locked. She jiggles the knob but it's not budging. She looks around.

"If I were Christian where would I hide a key?" Iris thinks to herself. She looks around some more. Iris's hands run over his desk the. They glade at the button feeling something bumpy. Her eyebrows raised. It was this tiny envelope taped at the bottom of the desk. She takes the envelope shaking it hearing something clanking together.

Opening the envelope and taking out the key. Iris rolls her eyes. She manages to successfully open the file cabinet. Her eyes bulged seeing how many files he had. There was only one name stated in The letter "I".

Iris takes out her file and turns back over to his desk. She looks through her file seeing her job numbers, her family data. She frowns.

"What the fuck. Someone is that psychotic, to get data on a person. Okay, maybe he's just full on creepy" Iris says. She closes the file and puts it back, her eyes caught onto some big red letters 'Nicole'. Iris looks around, taking out his sisters file.

She reads it. "Nicole brown, 25 years old, deceased, father Mathew Brown and Grace Brown, siblings: Christian Dior Brown and Demarcus Donato Brown" Iris nods to her self turning the page. Letters from Nicole to Christian, multiple apology letters from Christian. Iris reads the note that Nicole at sent him.

"Christian, I wanna be there more then anything but I just have a lot going on. Somethings you will not understand, I'm held up here in BIONA."

Iris puts the note back taking a letter that Christian wrote her.

"I think it's really ghetto how, we can't text all we gotta do is send letters? Corny shit indeed. Listen Nicole, I know what you are doing, phill told me you are testing your projects on yourself? Is that why you looked like a skeleton, I was thinking it was drugs but really it's the chemicals you are putting in your body? Why not use a test dummy? Why do this too yourself? But you know what I do not care! Die if you want! Have pain 24/7! I told your ass not to work there but what do you do, same old Nicole has to do things your way... you took the job. Don't come back to England, don't call me, don't text me, I want nothing to do with you"

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