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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian stands in the middle of the room as Charles runs a lint roller over his white tuxedo.

Charles claps his hands in excitement "this will look great for tomorrow night!"

Dior looks at Charles "alright, Charles, don't get too excited" Dior plays around with his tie.

"Who's the lucky lady your taking with you?" He asked

"I said, I was going to take Kira but... I think I have another female in mind."

"Ah, okay. Is your mother still at the hospital."

"Yes, Sophia sadly... yet surely died last night. Mom, didn't want to leave her side, I have to pick her up today. She needs to get her dress together"

Christian visited the hospital everyday. Not for his grandmother but for Iris. The past 5 days he would try to say hello, Iris and him held small conversations that last 10 minutes. Dior could tell that Iris wasn't fond of him.... yet. He thought it would be easy for Them both to start talking but Dior made Very rude first impression with her and now she's a tough cookie to crack.

Dior had his moment when he would observe her body thinking of all the things he'd do to her. Charles fixes his collar as Christian zoned out in a deep thought. Just then there was a light knock on the door frame. He turns around to see Mace.

"What do you want?" Dior asked

"Um, Andrew, ... we have Andrew. He's on the roof of the 10 story building"

Christian smirked "Great" he takes off his Tuxedo throwing it on the couch causing Charles to gasp.

"You be careful! This is vivienne Westwood! Such fabric must be handled with gracefulness" Charles scoffed

"That fabric makes my ass itch, fuck vivienne, tell her to fix that shit." Christian unbuckles his pants along off his trousers. He puts on some sweatpants and a black T-shirt.

"She is a designer legend, the best in England" Charles huffed. Christian loved getting on his nerves.

Mace and Christian walk into the SUV.

"He's beaten badly" mace says

"Good, we can't have any witnesses." If you witness a crime by a mafia member you're instantly dead. A dead witness means more chance of freedom to mafia members. No key witnesses = no prosecution for the crime in court.


Christian walks on the rooftop talking in the nice, fresh air. He looks at Andrew as blood dripped from his mouth. Dior chuckled and did one of those nice stretches.

"I didn't see anything, I promise" Andrew rambled "I won't say anything. Please!"

"Andrew... wanna know what my favorite movie is?" Dior chuckled. He then snapped his fingers so, Victor and Max drop his limp body on the floor. Andrew stands on his knees looking at Dior.

"Mary Poppins" Dior gives a creepy smile. "But, we are off track. You work for the Russians? You look like a Russian" Dior nodded to himself

"What- no... I'm not. I'm- im- I'm just a normal man, a wife, 2 kids. I promise you will not say anything about what I had saw. I'm begging you, don't kill me"

"Kill you?" Dior laugh while max handed him a piercing needle "I'm gonna torture you and then kill you. Sorry, Andrew. No witnesses"

Dior walks to Andrew. He grabs his face, Dior's nails dug into his skin, He holds the needle piercing to his eye.

"Let's see... pupil piercing or eye lid piercing." Dior crosses his arms and simply shakes his head "I can't decide. I'll do both? Would you like both?"

Andrew had nothing to say, he was way to scared, frightened, he was worried about what would happen to his family. His 2 boys without their father, A wife who will lose her husband. Dior didn't give a fuck. If any witnesses see a mafia crime... you have to kill them on the spot and that's something Dior enjoyed.

Dior holds open Andrew's eye, Dior roughly stabbed him in the eye lid, then takes it stabbing him in the pupil. Andrew let's out a scream in agony. Dior twisted the needle around his pupil, he could feel his eye loosing in his head. Practically almost taking out his eye.

Dior examines his popped out eye and smirks at Andrew. "Like I said before... Mary poppins can fly right? Can you fly?"

Dior picks up Andrew and he screams again. Dior throws him off the building. Andrews screams as he falls from the 10 story building. Dior made him fly like Mary Poppins. Dior dust off his hands and nods in satisfaction.

Dior checks his watch "oh shit... um." Dior turns to Mace "Mace, you value your job right?"

"Yes, boss" mace says. He gulped wondering what task Dior had for him now. Mace knew anything with Dior, mace's task were either kidnapping, gathering information, or being a body guard.

"You have Iris's address, I need you take her and meet me in my SUV" Christian smiled.

"Boss... you want me to kidnap her?"

"Correct. I'll just ask her to be my date for the Ball... she won't say no"

𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris counts some cash in her hand. £100. She closed her safe, Iris places the cash in a a black bag and places it on her dresser.

It's been 2 years since she had killed trey and his death never affected Her until now. There's someone coming for Iris and she feels it. Trey was a crime boss in Russia, Trey was a aggressive man. He killed people he loved, killed his father for revenge on his mother. Trey would hurt anyone... even Iris.

Trey would sometimes hit Iris and Iris was a weak soul at that time but she had finally had enough. Iris planned out his death peacefully. It was peaceful not harsh. Trey had morning coffee every day before heading down to his warehouse, Iris crushed up some Angel's Trumpet. Angel's trumpet was a dealt flower she was growing in her garden, she knew she had to use it.

It's a yellow flower that looks like a tulip buts it's poisonous, Iris had crushed it up in his morning coffee and while he was on his way to work. He had a.... "Stroke" is what the doctor told Iris.

Iris of course faked it all. The crying, the funeral, She would talk about him like she missed him... truth is Trey was a bastard.

Iris walks downstairs and hears knocks on her door. She frowns. She takes out her bat and slowly walks to the door.

"Who is it?" She asked. She then look through the peep hole. Seeing a tall brown skin man.

She squints her eyes and puts her bat down. She walks away from the door. I don't know who that is, I'm not opening it. Just then her phone buzzes.

"Open the door." The message had said. Iris's stomach had pinged. Her mind was going through shambles, who is it? Who is it that just texted?

Iris looked at the door as she backed away from it. Hearing them fiddle with the lock, she ran over to the drawer grabbing her gun. The door open and she didn't hesitate to start to shoot.

"Woah! Relax!" The man yelled.

"Who are you!?"

"I work for Dior, you must come with me" the man demanded

"Who- oh.." Iris lowered her gun "I must come with you? You don't break into my house and demand shit!... no"

"Then.. I'm sorry, I have to do this" the man ran up to Iris. Iris couldn't even hold up her gun again and start to shoot, the man wrapped his arm around her holding a cloth over her nose.

Everything in Iris's vision got blurry. Before she knew it... everything went black.


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