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This really was going to be a long night.

𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔
3:45 𝑎𝑚
𝑆𝑒𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 7𝑡

Iris bounced Sekani up and down as the room filled with Cries. She calls Christian multiple times but.. no answer. Iris plops her phone down on the bed calming down Sekani. Alfred peaks into the room and sighs. He fully steps in, Alfred wears a night gown with a sleeping hat. His eye mask sits above his head. Iris looked at his attire. This certainly was not the first time Iris had seen Alfred wearing his nightly clothing but every time she sees it she just wants to laugh.

"Iris, it's 3 in the morning. Here, give him to me." Alfred yawns. He holds out his hands grabbing Sekani, in that moment All Alfred had to do was rocking him a little bit and he was back to sleep.

"Wow." Iris says

"All you have to do is hold him close to your chest, let the baby feel your heart beat... make him feel safe and warm. Then they are out like a light." Alfred says rocking Kani in his arms once more.

He walks to the crib placing Kani down and fixing himself in the crib properly when Iris goes, "Thank you-"

"Stinka, I never thought in a million years this is where you would be, but plans set left then right. Then right back to LEFT. When you were a girl you would always say. "Alfred, I will go to school get my doctoring degree, find a loving man, fall in love, get married, have kids and grow grey hairs." But I see you chose the high life once again since Trey-" Iris heard Alfred. And this was the first time Alfred was ever really mad at Iris.

"Are you mad at me right now?"

Alfred turns around and his face was red, almost like he wanted to cry. "This was not the life that I thought you would have and I'm just realizing it. I do not hate Christian. I do not hate Sekani. But the way this whole thing played out... how... everything happened. You CALLED the mansion... you called US... you could have talked! Instead of just breathing in the blasted phone! You were gone for 8 months! Do you understand how heart broken I was when they told me that you 'died'. Took me right back to Emily and god knows that's how your father felt! Terrence started blaming himself. For Emily, your grandmother, and then YOU. There here you go... popping up." A few tears ran down Alfreds cheeks. He wasn't mad.. he was sad. He was disappointed. A feed tears ran down Iris's cheeks too, at the fact of the words Alfred was saying.


"No, no. I don't thinks Christian is good for you. This is Trey all over again. How long will it take until Christian goes off the rails and hit you? Hm?-"

"He won't-"

"He MIGHT! That's why I worry! Because you have done this before, I don't know what's in your blood that attracts these type of Men, the men who are drug dealers, mafia, crime bosses. Whatever. It's Trauma from Trey. Do you know when you were a little girl... your dad would take drugs while your mom was in the morgue. I bent my damn BACK FOR YOU! Homeschooling you, feeding you, clothing you, washing your damn dog, Cleaning this whole house, sitting up at night Sowing your favorite dresses." It goes silent for a while "All I'm saying... and I never thought I would be saying this because I've always let you make your own decisions, your own path, whatever you wanted. But... I did not think this is where you would end up. A baby. A man who... doesn't even take pride in coming home after leaving for "the store". It's disappointing, Iris. Worse part is I don't know WHO to be mad at! you saw your AUNT? Now that was a low blow. Your father will talk to you about that in the morning." Alfred says. He leans down kissing Kani's forehead, he looks at Iris as he walks out her room.

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