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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔.

The party was full swing. People were enjoying them selves and dancing and Iris was just getting bored. Kristen and London were having fun and trying to amp up Iris but Iris was just not having fun. No one was looking around with a frown on their face like she was.

Iris feels light goosebumps on her arm and a tingling sensation in the lower of her stomach. She shrugged it off and sipped on her wine. A slow romantic song came on and many people asked Iris to ask including some girls which shocked her to the core.

Iris watched Kristen and London get some more drinks. She watched other people dance which made her heart flutter. The cold feeling was there again and Iris once more tired to it when she felt heat on her back. Turning to look backwards her eyes met directly with the most handsome man she had ever seen. Iris looks at his body.

His body screamed power. Sexiness dropped from every part of his skin. He had curly black hair freshly cut. His cheekbones her defined and sharp. Every single feature he had was perfect. He had a neck full of tattoos along with his arms. Lightskin color, pink lips, perfect eyebrows, narrow pretty eyes.

He looked so handsome... perfect. Composed. Smart. And above... he was fucking fine.

Iris looks up and notices Light-skin did was eyeing her. Iris quickly looks away and could feel her body fall. She had to let out a cough to clear her throat. The slow song ended and the DJ played some rock music. Iris really wanted to head home but Kristen AND London were having to much fun.

Kristen walks over to Iris and laughed "You not having fun?"

"I mean, yeah. No..." she admitted

"Damn.. alright. Let me go find London then we can go home, alright." Kristen pouted and Iris nodded

Iris looked forward and side eyed who was sitting at the end of the bar. Light-skin dude. Iris felt all her nerve endings light up in fire. Light-skin dude brushed his knee against Iris's exposed leg. He directly walks out into the night and Iris couldn't help but Gawk at his figure.

Even his walk was sexy! Iris looked at the drink light-skin dude had.

"Um, excuse me.. what did that man just have?"

"Spirytus Vodka"

"Can I one one too?"

The bartender looked a Iris like she was crazy. He widened his eyes and walked away.

The fuck? Iris thought

"HEY" She shouted "I was talking to you! Give me an answer"

"Little girl, this is the most strongest liquor in the world. What's your age?" He asked

Iris blinked multiple times did he just call me a little girl. Her jaw ticks. There was no doubt that Iris had anger issues. Nobody knows the ONE thing Iris has done. It was brutal and cruel. But Iris did it out of her safety.

"Did you ask him his age?" Iris responded

"He's the boss young lady. We do whatever he asks. Now.. if you'll excuse me, I don't have much time."

Iris looked at the bartender as he walked away. Chugging down her wine. Looking to the left of her seeing Kristen pulling London's arm.

"Ready?" Kristen asked

"I'm ready" Iris shrugged

"I'm not!" London slurred and laughed.

"Oh god." Iris rolls her eyes "I would expect this from Kristen not you London"

"Hey! I'm taking that as offensive!" Kristen says.

𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Dior couldn't sleep. He just couldn't stop thinking about Brown skin girl. Why was she so damn gorgeous? What was her name? What did her voice sound like? He desperately wanted to know everything about her. His thought wouldn't stop directing towards her since the moment he had laid eyes on her.

Kira comes in and plops down on the bed.

"Wassup, fren" Kira smacked Dior on his fat forehead. Dior roughly grabbed her arm and twisted it making her slightly scream. "Damn, I was playing"

She rubs her arm looking at the red hand bruise on her skin. Christian chuckled.

"How was the club?" She asked

"It was good. Everyone enjoyed the club." Christian smiles and Zones out.

"What's on your mind?" Kira asked

Christian looks at Kira "I don't wanna tell you"

"C'mon, tell me! I'm your BEST friend, you need to tell me everything" she whines

"I saw this girl at the club and now I can't stop thinking about her" Christian says nonchalantly.

Kira raised her eyes rows "ouuu. Did you get her name?"

Despite Kira and Dior having sex Kira DIDN'T care about Dior's where a-bouts. At the end of the day Kira was Dior's day one, friend's since he got to England. Kira stares at Dior as he looks up and thinks.

"Nah, I just know she fine as fuck and I might add her too my list." He says

"LIST!? The fuck you mean... LIST!?" Kira asked in shock. She tilts her head and chuckled. "I better not be apart of this list"

"Nah,  it's a list of fine girls I wanna fuck. Along with big booty Judy, Watermelon girl, and now brown-skin girl" he says and fake smiles and rolls his eyes "I don't have a list, Kira"

"You better not!" Kira says smacking his arm. Christian kicked her off the bed making her fall to the floor.

Christian chuckled and his phone buzzed. Christian had this annoying habit to keep his phone on silent. Always.

"What?" He growls in annoyances

"Um... boss we have a problem downstairs"

Victor babbled from the other side. Dior had appointed Victor to take control of whatever was going on in his absence.

"Then fucking deal with it. Why do you think I left your ass in charge? Just to call me and say 'boss we have a problem' what do we do now?... Seriously?"

Victor was clearly nervous when he says "No Boss. A man is here for you and he is Adamant on meeting you. Says he wouldn't leave without talking to you"

"Who is he?"

"He claims to be Lewis Parker-"

Dior didn't hear anything then. His blood boiled. His ears turn up red from the sudden anger. Dior got up from his laying down position. He looks at Kira and she notices that Dior was anger. Kira mouths "Is everything alright?". Dior's jaw ticks.

"Victor Murphy" Dior growls lowly into the phone taking his full name which is his way of showing how mad Dior was "If you value your goddamn life and your wife's life which I recall is carrying your child, get this fucker out of my mansion right now in less than a fucking minute. Make sure my orders have been carried out or believe me you wouldn't like the consequences. Throw this bitch out even if you have to grab him by his neck. Don't snap his neck in half though. That blood to be spilt is mine and mine only" 

Dior disconnected the call and flung his phone on the bed. Mafia is exhausting Dior thinks to himself. He looks at Kira and he motions his finger for her to come here.

"Is everything okay?" She asked. Kira crawled on the bed and sits on Dior's lap. Dior rubs her thighs and nods.

"Just, mafia shit" he shrugs and kisses Kira's lips. Running his hands and gripping them onto her ass. Kira let's out a soft moan. Dior moves a red dreadlocks out of her face and she smiles. Dior feels his phone vibrate and he groans.

He picks it up and Kira gets off his lap and sits beside him. Seeing a text from Mace. 'BOSS, we got her'


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