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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔.

Iris nods at the wedding designers, she holds her clipboard, sure it's in Christian's back yard but Iris wants everything to be perfect. White flowers, and a white Tarp on the ground for Iris to walk in 1 more week. White chairs are set up. Iris nods while she walks backyards getting better view, but she bumped into someone, that person puts their hands on both her shoulders.

"Baby, slow down." Christian kisses her neck. "You been working to hard."

Iris groaned. "I know, I know. But I just want this to be perfect, for us." She pouts.

"Listen.. I'd marry you anywhere and at anytime. We don't need all this to be honest."

"But I've always wanted a wedding like this. Brides maids and grooms and seeing you cry while I walk down the aisle." Iris names the different things.

"Oh nah, I'm not crying."

"I bet €100 that you will cry. All men cry when they see their future wife walking down all beautiful and what not. If that man isn't crying.. just stop the wedding that point."

"So... if I don't cry, your not going to marry me? Is what I'm hearing?"

"You hear whatever you want to hear." Iris shrugged walking over to the tiny table putting down her clipboard. Christian smiles while he advances to her sitting down next to her.

"That doesn't mean I'm not excited to be marrying you. I'm kind of nervous.. what if I'm not good a husband? I'm already a fucked up boyfriend."

"What? No you're not. You are very protective, and yes you do get out of hand but like I said before I love you for you, and you love me for me." Iris caressed his cheek. "Stop talking negative."

"And this baby? What if she doesn't like me.. Sekani already doesn't like me and I could care less but.." Christian looks down at Iris's 2 month old stomach.


"Yeah.. she. It's a girl.. for sure. Nicole told me it was a girl."


"In my dream- its a long story..." Christian squints his eyes. "I think we should name her Nahla."

"Nahla?" Iris raised her eyebrows and nodded her head. "That's a unique name."

Christian smiles, the iconic dream Christian never forgot, the time when Iris was kidnapped in Ireland. The dream where Nicole told him to find her, Christian nodded.

"Yeah, It just popped up in my.. very smart brain." He nodded, he didn't wanna sound crazy as much as he already was. Iris leans over kissing his lips once more standing up. Ushering over to Grace, Lilian and Marie. Dior gazed at how beautiful she was with a little baby bump, this is the first time he ever saw her like this since he couldn't be there for her pregnancy with Sekani, because of Kira. He hates her. But everything and everyone is good and nothing will ruin this moment for them.

Iris laughs with Marie. "Thank you, it's been really hectic with all this wedding planning."

"Girl, don't even trip. It was like that for me and Demarcus but Grace.. is wonderful at planning, you are honestly such a great help." Marie looks at Grace smiling at her.

"I been to, too many weddings not to know a thing or two." Grace chuckled. "But this looks amazing, everything looks in order. Now the thing I would like to know..." Grace smirks. "Do you have your dress?"

"Um, yes. Kristen and London helped me pick it out a month ago."

"Ouu, i really want to see it. Can i?" Grace says. Iris nodded.

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