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Christian Dior Brown

Christian swings his golf club looking far out in the distance looking at his ball and lands perfectly in the hole. He wears a collared polo shirt, long trousers. He fixes his white gloves and chuckles.

"fore!" Christian yells. He smiles. His green grass was freshly cut on his lawn, Iris sits in the library reading some book as christian did business. Christian looks at Eddie hanging from the gallow. "Nice shot, huh Eddie?"

Eddie was shirtless; the only thing he had on was his pants. Christian knows he's causing a war with the russians... but without eddie who's gonna make the rules? Eddie's soldiers were followers, without eddie they were just sitting puppies. After the passionate night that christian had with Iris they both left, while Mace watched eddie. Everytime Eddie would wake up on the jet, Mace would hit him on the head just like christian said and he was really enjoying it. Christian swings his golf club over his shoulder and rests both his arms around it making his arms hang.

"You one son of a bitch, you know that?" Christian says and throws his golf club to the side. It was a sunny day and a nice day to cause trouble. Christian walks over to his long whip he had, he swings it around "you know what this is? This is a hand made whip from the 1800's. Mhm, i'm gonna whip you like a slave"

Eddie was frightened seeing the devil in christians eyes. Dior swung the whip back and striked Eddie, making his flesh crawl. Christian unleashed all his anger out on him, from him torturing and lying to the brown family, Dior was angry at what he had done to Iris, if Christian saw Trey he would have killed him. Christian struck him, again, again, again, and again until his nipple was no longer there. This made christian feel good... real good. Iris watched Christian do this from the window. She swallowed her gulp, and she and Eddie made eye contact, Eddie's eyes screamed for help but Iris closed the curtain going back to reading her book.

"You... are a disgrace to russian kind. You are going to die anyway... right? You have cancer, so it's best I take your life.." christian strikes eddie again hearing the whipping sound "right, Now!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry." Blood drips from Eddie's mouth as he screams for remorse.

"Aw... I guess I can accept your apology." Dior nods Eddie's shoulders relaxes thinking he could get out of this. Dior smiled evily and strikes eddie again "what you think im stupid!? You can take that apology and shove it up your saggy balls."

87... Dior striked Eddie on his chest 87 times. Dior had plans for Eddie, as he hung from the gallow and his feet twitched. Blood gushed out his mouth but he wasn't dead. Victor, Mace, Allan, and Aiden come outside, shaking their heads. They knew that it was right, Christian had so much anger built in him from childhood trauma. Which is why christian kill. Dior yawns and drops his whip "my arms are tired, eddie. I'll be right back." Eddie had one eye open with his vision blurry seeing christian walking away. Dior left eddie there hanging by himself. Christian nods at the fellas.

"Watch him."

"Boss, this feel illegal to watch" Aiden says

"Well, it is. He needs to hurry up and die cause I got shit to do." christian lights a blunt and exhales the smoke. He pats Mace's shoulder as he walks past him into the house. Chrisitan froze seeing Kira and Iris talking as they both walked down the stairs.

"Hey, Christian" iris says "how's everything out there"

"My arms are tired. It started cramping up, that's all." christian rubs his hand. He sticks his blunt back into his mouth. He looks at kira and turns and looks at iris "want to massage my hand for me"

"I'm not your maid..." Iris chuckled

"It'll make me feel better. Do you want eddie dead or not?" Christian remarks.

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