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I'm so messy-

𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛
𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟.

"Boss? Are you serious?" Mace asked. Christian places his bag in the truck, he places his gun behind his waist. Pulling down his Black bottom up shirt.

"What? You think I'm kidding?"

"You think she's alive?"

"Yes!." Christian exclaimed

"Boss, Iris is dead." Mace groans.

"No she isn't, Mace. I had a dream a couple months ago, Nicole told me she wasn't dead... she's alive. I've been trying to get Kira off my back because I talked to her about this dream and she just keeps saying she's dead."

"She isn't?" Mace asked

"No! Nicole spoke to me in the dream... it was weird but it made sense. She showed me a future, I'm not sure but I think those babies were... my babies." Christian nodded, Mace laughed "I'm serious, then she showed me em engagement ring! The same engagement ring I saw on my moms dresser last month!"

Christian stopped by his mothers house to drop of a check £1,987 pounds. Grace didn't take it but Christian Left it there anyway. He walked into her room placing it on her Dresser and he couldn't help but see the same engagement ring, That he saw in his dream. It. Freaked. Christian. Out.

He looks at mace and shakes his head "Get the fuck out my face, Go look for Victor and tell him to get his ass back here or I'll shoot his nuts off." Mace looks at him for a while "I'm not fucking playin! Go!" He pushes mace, Mace took that as a native, he move quickly into the mansion. Christian walks to the very back of the house, he sits on the concreted stairs looking out at his back lake. The golf course, tennis court right next to it.

"Were those my kids?" Dior whispers to himself. "Cant be, I'd be damned..." he shook his head. He hears footsteps coming his way, behind him. He turns around seeing His mother. "Hey, mom."

"Hey, Baby." She sits right next to him on the stairs. She kisses his forehead "you alright?"

"Yeah... I had a dream couple nights ago... about Iris. It was really Weird, Nicole was in it and these two kids. I don't know."

Christian could not stop thinking about that dream, he couldn't first of all. Every ight he would dream the same thing but... in a different way.

"You were probably lucid dreaming." Grace shrugs "they are like that sometimes?"

"But it seemed real, Nicole was sending messages to me. Like I had a dream about this big old house, in Ireland. And I just kept staring at that house... what does that mean."

"In Ireland?" Grace asked "what's in Ireland?"

"I don't know. I just want it to stop. Nicole said Iris is alive, if she was she would do something."

"Maybe she's being held hostage." Grace chuckled. Christian gives his mother a look and she huffs "relax, it's dark humor. I'm so sorry but Christian ... Iris is gone."

"She's not. Nicole was trying to tell me-" Christian shook his head.

"It was a dream... a dream." Grace nods. She glided her hand over Christian Face. "Hm."

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