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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris woke up with a soft moan. The mattress was so, comfy and Iris hadn't slept that well in a while. She was really enjoying the feel of the mattress. Iris turned sideways fluttering her eyes open. She sat up and took a deep breath. She looks around, there was a breathtaking view of the balcony, pearl white light was pouring from the Lang glass windows and light colored curtains were covering the ends.

She rubs her eyes. The floor was carpeted. The room was breathtakingly gorgeous. Iris gets up, she couldn't just spend her life staring. She was looking in the air, zoned out, when the memories from last night her like a forced bus.

Hearing a loud bang in her home, Iris jumping up and running down her staining seeing 7 large men demanding her To come with them, Mace taking out that cloth causing her to faint.

Iris jumped out the bed in fear. What the hell? Where am I? Who did this? Iris runs to the door pulling it open but it was locked, she played with her door handle some more and look to the other side of the room seeing a second door. She runs over and opens it, this time it was successful.

Iris walks out the room into a hallway, Iris stood there amazed by the interior. This house is beautiful. She thought. It wasn't a house she was kidnapped in... it was a fucking Mansion. Running as fast as she could, Iris kept turning around corridors in an attempt to find her way out.

To her it felt like an eternity that I was running when she got tired and stopped to catch her breath. She leans on a wall just when she heard a deep breath. That voice was enough to awaken butterflies in her stomach. Something about that voice made Iris feel an ache in her pelvis.

"You done?"

Iris slowly looked up to see him. He was wearing a white button down shirt with black trousers and a black coat. He was standing with his arms folded and was looking at Iris with a smirk on his face. She could see black tattoos peeking from under the sleeve of his coat and he stood handsomely with his foot mere inches apart.

He kidnapped me? AGAIN!? What a bastard!

"Who gives you the right to kidnap people? Let me go!" Iris shook her head

"Kitten I do what I want, and no ones gonna stop me"

"Bullshit... this is bullshit. What do you want from me? I don't even know you, so, I have no idea what use I am to you. So, tell me what you need and let me go."

He smirks "you're coming back to England... with me"

Iris squinted her eyes "are you actually stupid?"

He smirks again "believe me kitten, I win every time. So, it's better for you to come along with like a good girl that you are or once again needless I need to remind you that I have my ways and I wouldn't hesitate to make you come forcefully"

Iris was fuming in anger. Why does he do this? Why was he like this? Who even is he? WHAT WAS HIS PROBLEM? Iris blinked a couple of times.

"Look, I do not know who you are, My family is here, my friends are here, I'm not getting up and leaving with a.STRANGER! Do you realize I barely know you right? You probably don't even know my last name" Iris says calmly

Christian took large strides towards Iris and she started backing away when she hit the wall. He same exceptionally close to her an had her trapped around. Putting both of his hands on either side of her face, he leaned in close with their faces were mere inches apart. Iris feel his minty breath and somehow it calmed her down a bit. He gazed deep into her full brown eyes, Dark brown to brown, when he says...

"Keating. All your questions will be answered kitten. Until then you WILL come to England with me, you WILL behave like a nice girl and I WOULDN'T tolerate any disobedience. I know this is new for you but believe me it's for your own good"

"How the hell is this good for me-"

Christian pinched her lips together "I promise everything with me fine, kitten. I promise you"

With that he turned around and started to walk away. When he was about to turn around the corridor he said the one thing Iris dreaded the most. "And don't think about running away... you can't. So, save everyone the trouble"

𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian walks down the hallway checking his phone. He kept checking the corner to see if Iris was still there leaving up against the wall. Looks like she don't got no balcony's to jump over. Christian thought to himself.

Dior thought it was weird she wasn't fighting it this time. She was just there leaned up against the wall. She's been like that for the past 20 minutes and it's irritating him. Christian was fascinated with Iris, usually he would be rough and demand to sleep with her because... girls love to sleep with Christian, he's a ladies man.

But she fought... and she said no... and she keeps saying no. Christian was surprised and intrigued. It was almost like Christian was observing her like she was a lab rat.

"I promise everything will be fine, kitten, I promise you"


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