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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔
1 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟.

Iris dries her hair with a towel as Christian brushed his teeth. It was a beautiful sunny day In Italy, on a Friday. Terrence was mesmerized by Sekani, he could not put Kani down even if his life depended on it. Christian wasn't lying when he said Iris and him will go see Terrence. 1: Christian wanted a break From England. To much was going on and it was stressing him out. 2: Iris needs to catch up on things in Italy.

Alfred was shocked. Alfred wanted to cry, all night long Alfred and Iris talked about everything. Where she was. How she got there. And about her pregnancy. Terrence only looked at Sekani and only Sekani. He payed no mind to Iris, nor Christian. Terrence was mad that Iris went to go see His sister. Terrence was also pissed at Christian as well because he's the one that got her into that mess. Christian gave no fucks, he could kill Terrence if it wasn't for Iris.

Christian walks behind Iris kissing her neck and Iris whined. "Stop. My hair has conditioner in it!"

"Is that what smells so sweet? I thought it was cum." Christian fake gasped when Iris hits him with the wet Towel. He snatched it out her hand hitting her right back. When Iris was just about to reach back for her Towel Christian grabs her arm roughly, picking her up placing her on the Sink. He reaches under her Silk white robe pulling her panties to the side massaging her clit. "Dior- wait. Ah!" Iris swung her head back. Easing his finger up and down. Iris pushed his hand away. "I gotta wash this out my hair."

Christian smacks his lips and backed up. "Fine. I'm going to go down stairs, and ignore your father."

"You have to talk to him-"

"I don't even think he wants to talk to me!" Christian shrugs. Iris wraps her arms around Christian, He looks down at her. "I'll try. But I won't make any promises."


"As in I'll try my best to compose myself. Compose as in.. I'll try not to bash his face in."

"Christian.. he's my-"

He takes her arms off his neck. "DAD. Yeah I know!" Christian rolls his eyes walking out the bathroom. Iris rolled her eyes taking off all her clothes getting into the shower, Rinsing off her hair.

Christian wear normal attire, A dark T-shirt and some black sweat pants as he walked downstairs. Terrence sits in-front of Sekani as he smiles. Christian smiled at the sight of his son. Christian mugged the sight of Terrence, he rolls his eyes and then Swoops in picking up Sekani off the blanket and hugging him.

"Morning. Say morning Daddy." Christian cooed to Sekani. Christian Clicked right into Daddy mode the First time he even saw Sekani and Christian loved it! He feels... love. He hasn't said it yet but he feels it... in his heart. In his son. And in Iris.

He snaps out of his thoughts and turns to Terrence. "How long has he been up."

Terrence sits up standing up "About 3 hours. After that nap, he took a shit. This tiny baby took the biggest shit, I have ever seen."

"My son." Dior nods in satisfaction. He hold Sekani on his chest as he sits down on the chair. Terrence looks at the two.

"What happened?"

"Hm?" Christian tilts his head.

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