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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑚 𝑑𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

Christian watches Iris's sleeping body, he observed her white dress. Christian has been staring at her curvy, sexy body for the last 20 minutes, since they left her house. Christian notices Iris getting ready to wake up.

"What the..." Iris's eyes flutter open "Christian?"

"Hey, kitten" he smiles

"DONT call me that. Did you change me? Why am I in a white dress?"

"You're gonna be my date tonight"

"Date? No. This is kidnapping Christian" Iris frowns

"You think I don't know that. You're gonna be my date"

"To what? And no! Let me out, now. You had your... second in command or whateva, bust in my house! And kidnap me! What type of shit is that!?"

"Can you relax damn, all that damn nagging" Christian frowns "you look beautiful"

"First: thank you, I know I'm beautiful. Second: I'm not about to affiliated with your bullshit, I want nothing to do with you"

"You don't even know me..." Christian chuckled

"And you don't even know ME. This is not how you get a person to go out on a date..." Iris sat back in her seat. "My hairs not even done"

Christian sighs and moves across and sits next to Iris. He takes out her hair tie and plays around with her flowing hair.

"Better" Christian moves back to his seat. Iris crossed her arms moving a piece of hair out her face. "I'm here thinking you'd open the car door and roll out"

"I'm not willing to scrap my knee just to get away from your ass." Iris says


"Where are we going?" Iris asked

"A mafia gathering-"

"And you wanted me!? I'm not apart of a mafia-"

"Your daddy's a banker... shut that shit up.. And ... I wanted to bring you anyway, your sexy, and all the young-pins will get jealous"

"Oh, so, you just want me as a snack on your arm?" Iris rolled her eyes "what does my daddy being a banker have anything to do with this?"

"Yes" Christian nods and gives a smile. "Any rich or wealthy girl that's on my arm will make all the other mafias jealous... not like they'd care but i just want to show you my level headed side"

Iris squints her eyes "this can't be happening."

"Oh but it is. You're by date and you're not going anywhere."

"I don't take orders from a man. Especially one, who's as cocky, and ignorant, bossy, and selfish like you. Let me out the car now."

"I said no" Christian growls. Iris looks at him.

"Okay..." Iris looks down realizing she was wearing a dress... and her phone was in the house. She looks back up at Christian "Alright... I'll be your date"

"Really? Damn, just one growl and you'll obey. Nice" Christian stares at her and licks his lips. Iris wanted to smack him, Iris hated being told what to do.



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