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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian does some pull ups in his gym. Pillow talk played in the back ground as sweat emerged from his neck and forehead. Christian takes deep breaths as his muscles bulged.. It's been a little over 2 weeks, Iris and Christian had grown a bond.

Iris never thought she'd actually talk to him like a decent person without saying "let me go" or "leave me alone".  Christian called Juliana (the house maid) and informed her to tell Iris to get dressed and serve her breakfast in her room. As Christian starting doing another rep of push-ups, Iris leaned on the door frame. She observed all his tattoos that go from his neck to some on his ankle.

Christian turns around and Iris can't help but notice a big burn on the left side of the bottom of his stomach. Her face frowned, Iris was curious but she didn't wanna step any boundaries. Who ever or whatever burned him looked like it hurt... bad.

Christian gets up out of breath grabbing a towel, as he wipes of his sweat on the back of his neck, their eyes meet.

"Hello, kitten" Christian says "aren't you supposed to be eating breakfast?" He takes a sip of his water.

"Yes, Juliana is cooking it, I don't really see you eat breakfast." Iris shrugged

"I'm not a breakfast person" He nonchalantly says

"Really? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day"

"That phrase is stupid. I'm a lunch and dinner person." Dior swung the towel on his shoulder. Iris couldn't help but glance down the hallway at that family portrait.

"Okay, ask me" Christian says walking slowly towards her. Iris's head turns to him.


"You stare at that portrait a lot... and I mean a lot. What got you so intrigued by it?"

"Who is she? That girl?" Iris points and Christian walks out the gym slightly looking at the portrait.

"Uh... my sister. Nicole Brown"

"Thought so. Is she around?" Iris asked

"No, she died. 1 year ago." Dior stares at the picture as he says that.

"Aw, Christian I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, I'm fine. She died from keeping secrets" Christian puts on his shirt and turns to Iris "C'mon. Let's get some breakfast in you, I gotta be somewhere"

"Where are you going?" Iris asked

"Somewhere" Dior shrugs. He knew exactly where he was going. The past 2 weeks, Dior is starting to trust Iris and Iris is still a little speculate about Dior.

As Christian walks away, he remembering the time him and Nicole had that fight. Dior felt buzzes on his chest, it was his phone, he takes it out his sweatpants pocket.


"Boss, you remember Logan from the 23rd masquerade ball?"

"Mhm, old bitch talked shit about my family. Till this day, I can't find his ass."

"Well, lucky for you, Logan is having surgery on his cyst."

"Really? When"

"Later today. Around 2:30pm." Mace replies to him.

Dior evilly smiled "ya know, I've always wanted to be a Surgeon, Tell, Kyle bring the SUV over."

"Boss, what about Iris? She'll be all alone in the house"

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