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𝐼𝑟𝑖𝑠 𝐾𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Iris had never felt so Drained, so exhausted, so... tired. Both mentally and physically. She was tired of him playing the feelings game with her and she was exhausted that her life has been switched upside down. She looks beside her looking down at christian. He has to leave for England today. After last night, London and Kristen heard the loud noises they were making and KNEW it was time to leave. Christian told Iris that he "needed her". Iris' heart warmed and that showed his growth.. A bit.

Christian opens his eyes and looks at Iris. Iris rested her head on the headboard, christian admired her naked body then opened his mouth "what are we doing?"

Iris frowns looking down at Christian, he sits up. "What?"

"I thought about it last night. I'm tired of arguing, god, it's tiring. Iris, let's just be together. It is obvious we both want each other, we have so much in common, So... Do you want to do this?" Christian asked.

Iris smiles, leaning down kissing his lip "I like that idea."

"I'm sorry,I choked you last night." he says as he stares up the wall "i have anger issues, i don't think before i do something, I talk a lot sometimes and i gotta know you by holding you hostage which isn't okay."

"Yeah, that was not cool." she admits

"So, I want us both to sit down and listen to each other's story and I'll really try and listen." Christian twisted his lip, surprised hearing himself talk this way. He also cringed. Iris on the other hand was loving it..'he is being humble? What is this black magic?' Iris thought to herself.

It went silent for a while until Iris said... "Trastevere, Italy."

"Is that where you were born"

"No, It's where my grandmother was born. I'm willing to listen and try this out." Iris says.

Christian holds her hand playing with her fingers and he sighed in relief. When christian said he was thinking about this all night.. He really was. He was up at 2am just thinking about the proper words he would say but somehow he knew Iris didn't care for a speech... just come out and say it.


3 hours later Christian and Iris were still hugging in bed, Christian playing with Iris's flowing hair as she laid on his lap. The two of them talk about embarrassing moments, mostly Embarrassing moments Iris has come across. Iris opens up about her flaws and going up without a mom or a dad..

"He never told me my mom was dead until I was 15. That's when he locked me in the house and I couldn't go anywhere." Iris shakes her head

"What about school?"

"I was homeschooled after that. I understand why he did it but... he took things way too far." Iris has been telling her story for about an hour now, Christian hasn't opened up about anything serious.. Yet. "Okay, I'm done rambling about myself, it's your turn."

Christian sighed thinking 'I'm really doing this?'. He had never opened up to anyone about himself, he always kept his trauma a secret from his family... except for his mother. Christian's mouth was slightly open, he was trying to find the words... he couldn't but he'll try. He looks down at Iris and looks deep in her brown eyes.. God, he loved her eyes so much.

"What do you want to hear? The story about my sister and i? The story about my car crash? Or the story about how I got this burn on my back?" he arched an eyebrow

"All of it." Iris nods. "But I'm really interested in how you... got that burn? So.. you can start with that story." she grins

Christian chuckled, hesitating to tell her but he made a promise that he would. "If i tell you.. It won't change anything between us?"

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