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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛𝐿𝑎𝑠 𝑉𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑠 6:30 𝐴𝑚

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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛
𝐿𝑎𝑠 𝑉𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑠 6:30 𝐴𝑚

They both walk in sync. Jewelry blings as the two of them are hand in hand walking into the gambling den. Prada wears her black shades with a black button down shirt and some black jeans, her red heels gave a light tint blood color. Dior's outfit was a black trench coat with a black turtle neck, with some black trousers. Their Silver Rolex's gave a shimmer.

Dior was angry, he was furies! At any moment he would crack like a walnut. Dior greets Pablo at the door and Pablo gave him a frightening look. "Uh, listen... Dior. I don't think it's wise-"

"What? What's not wise? I do what I want, and I've been really letting y'all slide. I haven't killed anybody in a while so, it's best you choose you words wisely. Because.... I need a fix." Dior whispers the last part to him.

"You'd really kill me? I've been working with the family for 25 years..."

"Oh well..." Dior shrugged not caring about a word he was saying. He walks past him seeing his den all messed up. He hold Iris's hand helping her over to amount of trash and broken shards that were all over the floor. He picks her up bridal style, carrying her over to a clean area. Dior places her down. "Shit." He hissed looking at the big mess. Dior tapped his foot in anger, he was really trying to keep it professional.

"We had The cleaners come in and clean up all the shards of glass and stuff, but there's still things to be done." Matt says. Dior looks straight at him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Dior asked opening and closing his fist.

"That's Matt, we recruited him. We needed extra help with shipments." Pablo tell him. Dior trudged to Pablo, gripped his hair and bashing his face it with his fist. Dior broke his nose with one punch.

Pablo falls to the ground. Dior kneels for his level. "I'm not the one you want to fuck with. You know this." Christian growls. Pablo groans on the floor, at that advantage Christian stood up kicking him in the stomach. Again. Again. And again. Iris shook her head and ran up to Dior. Pushing his chest.

"Stop it! He had enough!" She yells. Dior stares her down and looks down at Pablo who spits out one of his teeth. Blood drips from his mouth. Dior stares right back at Iris, Iris looked at Him... his eyes were dark and cold.

Dior chuckles looking at Iris. "Everything's going downhill and I can't fix it. All because of this piece of shit!" He points down at Pablo. "And you... you don't ever stop me from hurting...anyone! You gonna watch me this shit!" He yells in Iris's face. Mace stands by the door watching the Dior Yell in her face. "Mace... take Iris to the car."

"Yes... Boss." He says. Iris had a few tears running down her face. Mace grabs Iris's attention and takes her hand leading her out the den. Christian looks down at Pablo...

"Clean yourself up." He scoffs. Pablo holds his stomach, this was his reminder of who Dior actually was. "Don't ever recruit anybody, we can't trust certain people, PABLO." He rolls his eyes walking out the den.


The whole car ride was silent. Iris wasn't speaking to Christian. She didn't know what to say. Iris felt her stomach feeling queazy. Christian looked out the window feeling guilty. He held quick glances at Iris but she paid him no mind.

Christian straightened up trying to find the words... what should he say? He clears his throat looking at Iris, she stares straight out the window. She felt him staring at her but she didn't want to talk to him. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that. And...I'm...I'm sorry I yelled in your face. You just gotta understand-"

"What? Understand WHAT? That.." she motions to the den. "That wasn't the Christian I talk to everyday."

"Iris, my work life and home life is VERY different- scratch that... my home life ain't different. I just showed you a sentimental side of me, that's all! You are not going to get sentimental Christian everyday! I'm still the same Christian who kidnapped your little ass... I'm still the Christian who held you hostage remember. Now, I'm sorry for yelling in your face but you can't blame me. Can you?"

Iris looks at him. "Yes, I can. Your behavior!"

"My behavior!?" He echoes loudly and shakes his head "okay, whatever."

"No, whatever! Fuck a 'whatever'! You need to fix your attitude! You're not about to be yelling all in my face just because you are angry. And you ARE NOT about to set demands around me and tell me what to do because I'm not doing what You say."

He looks at her. His eyes got dark once again. He chuckles "okay."


He nods and looks upfront "Kyle, stop the car."

Kyle obeys and stops the car and it was right in front of an alley. It was pitch black outside and they had just entered a bad neighborhood.

"Get out." Christian coldly says.

"What?" She asked

"Get. Out. I got to much shit going on. Get out." He demands. Iris looks at him and weary was in her eyes, her eyes pinged. That wasn't effecting Dior. Her look always did something to him, always made him soft but right now, he treats her like an enemy. "OUT!" His voice boomed.


Christian pushed her out the car making her fall on the wet, cold, muddy, concrete ground. She sniffles quickly getting up seeing the car inches away... it goes and goes and goes. Iris hoped it was a joke and waits a couple minutes for him to come back. Iris busted out crying. It wasn't a joke. Iris looks around the street. Only a few street lights were on. It was cold, so she rubs her arms trying to warm herself up. She couldn't believe what he did. He really did that? Looking into his eyes that wasn't the same person to say 'I love you' yet again... they never even said those words.

She walks down the streets feeling like someone was watching her. She looks up seeing a figure, it looked like a girl wearing all black staring right at Iris. The girl waves. Iris looks behind her and back at the girl seeing her sprint off.

"Hey!" Iris Yells. She runs after her. The black figure runs faster than Iris, right into a dark alley way. Iris knew for fact she should not be in an alley way... but this girl seemed suspicious. She could only see the girls hands, they were light skinned. Iris stopped running seeing the girl fully disappear. Iris's shoulders fall and she sighs "Okay, I gotta get out of here." She turns around. She saw a large man dressed in black. The man places a black textile over her head. He picks her up and places her over his shoulders.

He carries her to the Van as Iris kicked and screamed. He places her in the White van closing the double doors in the back. He turns around. Seeing the girl.

"You got my money?" He asked

She takes off her hoodie, reaching into her back pack giving him £10.000. He sniffs the money and nods "pleasure doing business."

"Take care of her. I need to by as much time, as possible."

"Don't worry, will have fun with her." He winked and she evilly laughs. She turns around walking back down the street to her car. Her plan worked, now for the real fun.

𝑊ℎ𝑜 𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑖𝑡 𝑖𝑠?!?

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