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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛
3 𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

Christian sits on the counter of his Mother's house, watching her play around with Sekani. It was a bright July morning. Iris and the family were here for a little get together, Finally putting the Keating Family and Brown family together in the same room. It was about time they did this. Iris, Terrence, Kristen, London were here. Demarcus, Grace, Christian, and Lilian were here as well. Just something small and simple.

Terrence and Lilian laugh around and talk, so far it was peaceful and fun. Grace tickles Sekani as he laughed he was 8 months old now. He's starting to crawl, eat more solid type foods, he moves like the flash. One second he's here and one second he's now. Christian looks at the two, Grace sets Sekani down on his little blanket but he crawls away laughing.

"Where do you think you are going? C'mere fatty." Iris says picking him up. Christian smiles getting off the counter making his way over. He tickles Sekani again hearing his cute laughs, Iris couldn't help but Coo and laugh. Christian became more humble the last couple of months since Iris came back, he became more relaxed. Lily, julianna and the staff at the mansion aren't as scared as they were before. Christian looks into Sekani's eyes, he could only think about all the stuff he will be doing, take over the mafia when Christian's old and grey maybe take over Christian's new company investments he is working on right now.

Christian has been working on something the past 3 years, he is creating a mafia company, something big in the mafia industry.  No locals will know but the Mafia Dons, leaders, Assistants, second in commands. It's gonna be called Dior Enterprises. The company will hold Easy Bankers and Soldiers at ANY mafia's needs. Except for the Russians. Once Christian gets the company in hand everything will run smoothly. His father wanted to do it first but then he died so, Christian took it over and finished his idea. But right now, Christian needs to focus on his family.

Iris puts Sekani down on the couch, he kicks his legs and whines. "Boy, stop all that whining." Christian says. Sekani pouts his face at him, Christian mimics the pout. Iris smiles.

He walks back to the kitchen smelling the food. "Smells good mom."

"Thank you, Baby." She pecks his cheek. She smiles noticing he didn't flinch or anything. Christian keeps his eyes on the pot, the foods scent filled his nostrils.

"When is it gonna be done cause.." Christian takes a spoon dipping it into the soup— but Grace slaps his hand. "Damn, mom!"

"Get your hands out the pot. Greedy self." Grace shakes her head. Christian chuckled rubbing his hand.

"I'm hungry."

"It'll be done soon." She stirs the pot. It goes silent for a while. "So... What's taking you so long?"

"For what?"

Grace looks at Christian. "Put a ring on Iris, You can't hide from the board for that long. We have the balls remember-"

"Fuck the balls. I'll marry Iris for love not just for the councils and shit." Christian huffs.

Grace sighs. "Well? Are you-"

"Yes mom, I'm ready to propose to Iris. Damn, you always gotta make the questions all long and dramatic." Christian laughed.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! When? Where? What? How are you gonna do it."

"I think I wanna do it.. tonight." Christian nodded to himself, he reaches to the cashew bowl popping some into his mouth.

Grace smiles, she hurries up the stairs walking into her room, she digs around inside of her dresser. Taking out A small black box, she walks down the stairs. Grace huffs seeing Christian with a spoon eating out the pot. He drops the spoon seeing his mom.

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