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𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛
3 𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 

It was a clear Wednesday morning, Christian decided to pay a visit to the hospital. He was mesmerized, he needed her more but he knew Iris wanted nothing to do with him after him kidnapping her and forcing her to be his date... Christian didn't see anything wrong with that.

Walking inside the building, Christian sits down in the waiting area because he knows Iris loves to talk to her co-worker Janell. He kept his black glasses on the make sure that she didn't recognize him instantly. Christian rests his head on the wall and chews on his gum, he then felt as if a cushion had hit him in the leg. He jerked his head up to see a young boy on the floor holding his head in his hands.

His mother came rushing to Dior and started apologizing frantically. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Johnny just keeps running around blindly. JOHNSON! How many times have I told you, you're going to hurt yourself and the people you bump into. Now say sorry to this man, you bumped into him" the child kept on whining to the point it made Christian annoyed. Rolling his yes Christian gets up but the mother grabbed his arm. A bit harshly.

"I'm sorry. He bumped into you, I really am"

Dior yanked his arm away from
The woman "Don't ever grab my arm, it's alright," Dior sometime failed to understand why he got angry so easily, one word could tic him off. The woman gasped and walk away grabbing Johnny. Dior glared at her and looked at the counter seeing Iris smile talking with Janell.

"Kitten" Dior whispers to himself and smiles. Iris looked beautiful as ever even if she was wearing scrubs.

Dior chuckled and walked over to the counter. Iris noticed Christian, she rolled her eyes telling Janell she'll be right back. Dior scoffed as he watched Iris walk into the back room. Dior quickly followed.

Janell quickly took notice "Um! You can't go back there!"

"I go where I want!"

"And  I said you can't go back there!" Janell yells back.

Dior flipped her off and walks into the back room, he follows Iris down the hallway. He roughly grabs her arm.

"Leave. My. Arm" she yanks away.

"No" he replied as calmly as he could.

Iris's grinded her teeth in anger "and I said to leave my arm or-"

"Or what?" Dior interrupted

Iris looks at him. She flips her hair and gives him a smart look.


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"...I'll call the police" Iris says, obviously she wasn't going to do that, she couldn't say she'll kill him.

"Not even the police dare to cross paths with me, kitten"

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