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"No knock?" Iris asked

"It's my house. What do you know about the Russian mafia?"

𝐶𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛

Christian stands in the frame of the door awaiting his answer. He looks down at the letter, seeing it as said "we've been watching Iris, we know what she did" Christian stares at this unknown person in his guest bedroom.

"Iris, what do you know about the Russian mafia?" He asked for the 4th time. Dior tried his best not the snap but Iris not answering made it hard for him not to do so.

"I don't know anything." Iris folded her shirt and packed it in her bag. Christian stomped over, grabbing her bag and throwing it to the wall, he roughly grabbed her arm and Iris shrieked.

"Christian! What the hell!"

"You being real hard headed! Iris, don't play me like I'm fucking dumb! Some how, the Russian know about YOU! What the fuck did you do to they asses!? Did you kill someone? Did you take their candies? What. Do. You. Know!? Right now, this shows that I can't trust you, and I can't have someone in my life that I can't trust." Dior snapped. Dior was near end, from killing Iris, he didn't care if he cared about her, betrayal will be betrayal.

Iris crossed her arms "I can't tell you."

"Why the fuck not!? This is a life or death situation Iris! What you think gonna happen? hm? The Russian are mad men, Eddie barker doesn't play, but I play harder. The Russian's are gonna take you, torture you, and I can't have that happen. Your name... is in this letter... they know... you have been staying here, Iris... please tell me what you know before I lose my patience and do something I'm gonna regret later in life"  Christian coldly says.

Iris didn't know how to feel, does she tell him what she did. She promised on her dead soul that she wouldn't tell anyone even if she had to die. Christian on the other hand, his blood was boiling, he wanted to explode. Iris straighten up and an idea popped in her head.

"I dated the Russian leaders son. His name was Trey, Eddie was Trey's father, He's mad that I had 'broke his sons heart'" Iris shrugged "but I had to leave him, he abused me in many ways, So, he tries to get me back but... i gotta keep on running. Eddie wants me to marry him, but I can't be with someone who abused me like that for so long"

Christian became more aware of what she was saying. He nods "thanks for telling me, sorry for snapping on you, now I have more shit to deal with." Christian smacks his teeth. He walks up to Iris and caressed her cheek, he leans down kissing her soft plump lips, Christian felt that, kissing her was the only thing that slowed down time. "I hate to say this but, you gotta go back to Italy. This is war, I don't want you getting caught up in this bullshit"


"You can go home Iris. You have my number in your phone, you won't lose me" Christian shrugged and kissed her one last time "I'll call you when everything is clear." Iris hugged him and Christian wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'll tell leafier and Abraham to escort you to the airport. Call Kyle alright. And pack your bags. I'll see you, around, kitten"

Iris felt sad, really sad. Tears ran down her cheeks. Christian let's go of her grasp and leaves her bedroom. Iris then realized she had lied to Dior, she didn't tell him the whole truth, Christian hated being lied to.

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