Chapter 41

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Rikka's POV

I'm so sorry! What the heck did I just say?! Didn't I love Gon now?! Why couldn't I answer his question?!

I went inside the girl's restroom and got an empty cubicle for myself even though nature hasn't called me yet. Good thing our toilets aren't the traditional ones where you crouch on the ground. I've seen and read horror stories about falling inside that traditional deep toilet.

Anyway, I just sat there and thinking of those thoughts that has been passing through my head for quite a time. I've realized I hurt three people now: Killua, Retz and finally Gon. Who else can I turn to when I feel like crying then?

"I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry...." I muttered the words out as if the three of them could hear it. AS IF...

I feel like I'm the cruelest person in the world for hurting my close friends. When I want to apologize to them, they weren't there to listen. But when they come to me, I run away from them because of guilt.

By now, I cried so hard I might be heard outside my cubicle. I bit my lip to shut the sounds from coming out.

"I..Is someone there? Are you okay?" a girl's voice asked outside. She seemed to hear me after all.

I wiped my tears and excused, "I'm fine. Just some girl problems. I need to be alone."

"Ah..okay. Take your time then." I heard her footsteps go away and the door being closed.

Someone..I need someone to cry to. Dang it...I guess my existence is a freaking joke.

"Rikka..." a boy's voice called my name.

"H..Hey! This is a girl's bathroom! Why is there a guy here-?" I opened the door to my cubicle and was immediately pulled towards the person who called me and my lips were captured by his-Gon's lips.


"I...I'm so sorry I forced you to answer my question earlier." his face looked so sad. "I know I'm not Killua or anything but me that I won't hurt you like he did. I'll make you forget about him and we can make new happy memories together."

My eyes got teary and I hugged him so tight, "G..Gon..arigatou...arigatou. I..I'll trust you Gon. Onegai...take care of me."

He smiled at me and cupped both my cheeks and kissed me again. I'm important to him, and so he is to me.

Killua's POV

Our chef is taking so long in the girl's bathroom! Doesn't she know that I don't even know how to cook?!

"You, keep an eye on the customers. I'll find the chef." I ordered a classmate and left the noisy classroom. I walked briskly towards the girl's bathroom and prepared the words I'm going to say to her.

"Gon...arigatou...arigatou..." someone cried.

Rikka's voice?

I peeked at the small gap of the door that has been left opened and saw the both of them in each other's arms.

Gon kissed her...

I balled my fists and tried to control my emotions. My aura was getting more intense that Gon might sense it quickly. I used Zetsu now but there's still some Nen leaking from my body.

"I love you so much, Rikka." said Gon to Rikka when he broke contact with her. He leaned his forehead to hers. "Aishiteru..."

How could he say such deep words like that?!

I waited for Rikka's response to him and for a moment, I think Gon caught me peeking at them but he avoided my gaze in a millisecond.

"Gon, aishiteru..."

That broke my heart into a million pieces. I ran away as fast as I could. I could feel the stares of the students on me. The teachers might scold me for running in the halls but I continued running...for my sake, for my aching heart.

When I was at the back of the school, I checked if there were people around thankfully, there aren't. I gritted my teeth and kicked the wall in anger. I readied my fist and punched the wall. I continued cursing words until I got tired of being mad.

"Damn...Damn...Damn....!!!" I shouted loudly it could be heard miles away. I know I didn't have the right to be angry but it really hurt me! What am I supposed to do with these feelings?!


I turned around in surprise. Again, that stupid woman was there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a sharp tone.

"U..Uhh, the president of the class is looking for you. He said he needed help with some work-" explained Retz but I cut her off.

"Fine." I stomped away from her before she could do something to me again. I don't want my problems to add more. I've had enough.

"Matte!" She held my arm to stop me from walking.

I yanked my hand away from her and yelled, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME, ONNA!" My Nen was almost at its limit. I want to blast her face into a million pieces. But I can't do that...because she is Rikka's bestfriend.

Her face and voice shook in nervousness and fear. But she carried on, saying, "I...I'm so sorry. I wasn't myself that day I kissed you. You don't know how deeply I regretted that I hurt Rikka. I know that you love her and she does so to you."

Rikka loves me too?

"Shut up." I smirked at her without humor, "I'm sure you are spatting lies again, whore." I said that to her without even realizing it.

Retz moved forward and gave me a hard slap on the cheek, "How dare you say that, Killua! What kind of person have you become?! Just because Rikka chose Gon, you're already sulking like you want to die?! Don't you have any pride left?!" Tears stained her pinky-white cheeks.

"What are you-?!" I almost shouted something to her but I was stopped by Retz speaking again.

"Honestly?" She wiped her face with her arm, "You look so pathetic right now. I really want to laugh at you in your current state. But I couldn't because Rikka loves you so, so much. I thought you learned this aura stuff or Nen things before. Why can't you sense her feelings for you?"

"I can feel Nen but not the actual feeling of a person-" I butted in and again, she stopped me from saying anything.

She smiled at me, "You're still the same from years ago. You had that arrogant attitude when we met at that town before. You looked so jealous of me because I might steal your bestfriend, Gon." Retz grinned at me and held out her hand to me.

"What....are you talking about...." I mumbled out in awe. Wait...that rings a bell. This is so familiar. I mean SHE is familiar.

She walked closer to me until we're eye to eye, "Do you remember me now? Killua? Or should it be the 12-year-old Killua I knew before?"

Shoot...could this be the girl who plays dolls? Whose brother was Omokage? Is she Retz? But I thought she died..?

I searched for words to say and instead Retz told me.

"Long time, Killua."


*bows* Gomen! Gomen!

My Dad will be arriving next week! I can't wait to buy the Vocaloid headphones I saw in Comic Alley! >_< i just wanna share. Hahaha

Question: BOOM, Killua finally remembered who Retz is. Will Killua still stay angry at Retz or nah?


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