Chapter One

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When I woke up that morning, I didn’t cry anymore. I finally did it. I stretched my arms side to side and yawned.

It’s been 8 years now since Killua left the neighborhood. Oh gosh, I could just laugh at myself when I cried myself over him that he couldn’t move anymore. But his dad, (Killua said he was a killer but I didn’t believe him.) pulled him away from me with one hand and said, “Don’t worry Rikka. You’ll see him soon. He just needs a little break.”

I slapped myself from those thoughts, “Rikka, that’s from the past. Don’t tell me you’re still believing Killua will still come back! NO WAY!” I scolded myself, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I grabbed my uniform and shoulder bag to prepare for the first day of school.

“Rikka, are you awake?” Mom knocked on the door and entered my room, seeing that I was already ready. She smiled and gave me a good-morning kiss on the cheek. “Good girl! So prompt. Let’s go eat breakfast shall we?”

I nodded, grinning, “Sure.”

As the only daughter of the Kushina family, I need to make them proud. I have to maintain my high grades and be the role model of everyone else in our lineage. I need to be the best for short...and I decided that when Killua left. I can’t go on crying like a child and foolishly wait for him to come. I need to mature too.

“Okay, I’m ready.” I announced when I finished eating two of my sandwiches.

She patted my head and once again kissed me on the cheek for good luck, “Make us proud again this year, sweetie!” I could see her hand wave from a distance as I boarded the school bus.

I leaned my head back on my seat and hoped that this year would be good as last year’s.  I suddenly got the feeling that I should watch out for something and I better be prepared for it.

Maybe I’m just hungry again. I told myself.

The school bus driver honked me awake and stared at my beloved school. I’ve been studying in University of Saint Paul for 5 years now. Wow, I couldn’t believe how much memories I made here.

I bounced off the bus and walked towards the bulletin board. When I saw how much students has increased this year, I couldn’t help but see familiar faces around and greeted them.

“Rikka-chan!” a familiar voice called my name and I guessed quickly who it was. It was my bestfriend, Retz. I would almost think she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen on the planet! She had this cute blond curls hanging on the side of her head and the rest just at her back.

We hugged so tightly and giggled, “Look how much you’ve gotten! You’re taller now, Rikka.” She grinned happily at me.

I waved a hand, “C’mon Retz. You’re waaay prettier than me. Look at our skin tone. Yours is like ceramic! It’s soooo smooooth.”

“Stop with the jokes. I’m not that pretty. Maybe I just dress up to look good. Test me.” She challenged.

Chuckling, I sighed in defeat. “Fine, you win pretty girl.” Together, we laughed at ourselves. Retz made my world colorful when I was in agony. I never knew what to do since she came. I thank her a lot for doing that.

“Did you check if we’re on different sections?” I asked her when she stopped midway in the hall. “Retz? Is something wrong?”

She yelled at me. YES, LITERALLY YELLED ON MY FACE. “RIKKA-CHAN! We’re in the same class this year! I’m so happy!!” Retz jumped up and down with joy.

I relaxed once I knew she was okay, “Really? That’s good to hear then.” We went to our classroom together and was welcomed by the sudden sounds of poppers.

“WELCOME TO CLASS 3-A!” They greeted in unison, giving us candies and ballpens when the two of us got to our seats.

Busy talking, our supervisor for the year entered the classroom making us freeze in our tracks.

“Good morning Class 3-A.” The teacher arranged his papers accordingly. We didn’t utter a word. “I said good morning class.”

We hurriedly stood up and bowed, “Good morning Sir!” All of our voices were obviously nervous and very shaky.

Retz whispered loud enough for me to hear, “He’s scary... I think our school year won’t be that fun anymore.”

I nodded my head in agreement, my sweat dropped on my face.

Our heads turned to the side when the door burst open. “Sorry I’m late.”

As the mysterious figure walked to the teacher’s desk, my mouth and eyes was wide open in the air.

Of all people in the universe, why is he here?

“Good morning classmates.” The stranger’s face was pale white and also a few inches taller than me. “My name is Killua Zoldyck, the son of a famous private assassin in this country. Nice to meet you.” Then his gaze placed on mine. I could see from his eyes that he was surprised too.

I pushed my chair away and staggered, “You... Why are you here? Why did you come back?”

My classmates turned to look at me this time.

He formed a smile on his face, “Of course. I came back for you, Rikka.”

After The Years || KILLUA ZOLDYCK ✔Where stories live. Discover now