Chapter 30

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Rikka's POV

Thank goodness, I was the head of our class for this year's Sakura Festival. I have lots of ideas to come with and I'm sure it'll be a blast!

"Okay guys, any suggestions for our theme?" I announced to everyone loudly. They murmured to one another until one raised a hand. "Yes?"

"A Maid Cafè?" suggested the girl.

I shook my head in response, "No, that's too common. Anything else that might catch the people's attention?"

"A Butler Cafè then!" laughed a certain guy at the back of the classroom.

I did a facepalm, "Why does everybody like cafés? Seriously?" All the students laughed at my remark and I couldn't help but do the same thing.

Gon stood up and suggested, "What about traditional Japanese?"

Thinking about the idea, I pictured in my head a classroom with servants dresses in kimonos serving tea to the customes. That seemed like a good idea.

I picked up a chalk and wrote that as number one suggestion. "Good job, Gon." Clapping my hands, I said, "C'mon! Suggest some more! No one's gonna stop your ideas!"

The rest of the day was sorting out the theme and designing what it would be like. Good thing there was Gon who was pretty creative in adding some color, other decorations and stuff.

While he was alone, I kneeled next to him and mumbled, "Thanks Gon. You're a great help to us." I gave him a pat on the back which made him blush but he blocked it away from me by resuming his work.

"You were doing your job well too. You're an awesome leader, Rikka." Gon smiled at me merrily. He has been happy a lot lately though.

As I stood up to finish other things, I glanced one last time at Gon and turned away with a smile on my lips.


"Okay guys! Thanks for your hard work today! We'll resume this tomorrow." I announced to the tired students. "Those who do the costumes, if you can, please do them at home too so there'll be less work the other day." Everyone agreed and took home what they can bring.

I wiped a bead of sweat on my face and arranged the chairs that were swept out of their rows. Wow, everyone went home without even cleaning the classroom.

Shaking my head, I picked up the broom and started cleaning. Once I gathered all the dirt, I put it all on the dustpan then I threw it inside the trash bin.

The blackboard, I thought. When I looked at it, it was full of chalk marks all my classmates left there. I grabbed the eraser and swiped the blackboard. There were some parts I couldn't reach so I stood on my toes but they weren't still enough until...

"Need a hand?" appeared Gon who stood beside me. I handed him the eraser and he cleaned the remaining chalk marks on the board.

"Thanks a lot. I was just thinking of standing on a chair but that would be disrespectful I guess." I chuckled lightly and he did too.

The air thickened with awkwardness or was it just me who felt that way?

I hitched a breath and took my turn to say something but he was suddenly there in front of me, waiting.

Waiting for my answer to his confession.

"I'm sorry if I look desperate and impatient but...can I have your reply now?" said Gon who closed in me, not giving me some space to breathe for air or should I say, not letting me escape this time.

I gulped nervously, "Umm.."

Yes or no? It was a simple question yet it was so hard to decide.

His brown eyes looked in mine with so much love for me. It was too much for me to bear so I looked away as I covered my blushing face with both hands.

"I'll give you an answer." I muttered, still blocking my face with my palms. My heart thumped furiously like it wanted to get out of my rib cage so badly. Did I make the right decision at this moment?

"Go ahead..." he whispered gently.

Ba-thump! Ba-thump! Ba-thump!

I closed my eyes tightly and whispered almost in silence.


Killua's POV

There was a bad feeling... I could feel it...Something's gonna happen any second and I didn't like it.

I activated my En to know if someone was watching me. Well, no one was around.

Ever since Gon and I lost contact, Dad had taught me En for 3 years. It was hard work but I got through it. Now, I can have my En as far as 20 meters. I still need to beat Neferpitou's though. She could surround a whole palace with her En.

Breathing out, I walked through the busy streets of Tokyo. Although, I still need to watch out for Kurapika since he could scout for his students around here and scold them for staying outside at this time of the night.

Yes, it was already 9 PM and I still didn't go home. I wasn't in the mood yet anyway. Every time I do something, it was like the whole world is against me...even my own family.

"Killua!! It's been so long hasn't it?" That weird annoying voice. Ugh.... She's here again..

"Oi, oba-chan. Have you finally grown wrinkles?" I smirked at her but I wasn't really in the mood to joke with her right now.

"It's Bisky!" She squealed, hitting me lightly on my shoulder but she shortly noticed my gloomy expression. "Something matter, kid?"

My expression darkened when she asked that, "I...disappointed a girl that I like..."

My trainer crossed her arms, "Hm? How come you disappointed her? Are you know..together? 'Cause if you don't have any relationship then it's not your business to get involved right?"

Yeah, you're right. But still...

Bisky put an arm around my neck, "Killua-kun."

"-san please. We're not close." I corrected jokingly.

"Tsh, whatever. Anyway, if you have done something wrong then say sorry! Explain what you have done and give a clear explanation why it happened." advised Bisky like a love expert.

I removed her arm and put my hands inside my pockets, "You're not my mom to say such unnecessary things," And I smiled at her. "But hey oba-chan, thanks for your help. That made me happy."

She smirked at me proudly, "That's what I'm here for right?!" Then she laughed like a maniac as she turned away, waving her hand at me. "Send my regards to Gon!" then she was gone.

I'll do what I have to do then, I thought.

A/N: *looks at you*


I also have posted a new chapter in Wish Upon The Dream Catcher(I still think it's a funny title though XD). If you wanna read it, then go for it! Hohohoho!!
And also the scene where Rikka answered to Gon was from Ao Haru Ride! I was so inspired by it that I decided to put it here. :D

Question: What did you do when you read Rikka's long-awaited reply to Gon's confession? :3

Btw, Happy New Year guys! Minna daisuki!! ❤❤


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