Chapter Five

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A/N: HI MINNA! :) New chapter coming up! >.< Can't wait to post this. hehe

“Alluka-chan?” I said gently to the young kid. “You see, I need to look for your brother, Killua. Would you mind if I leave now?” But instead of letting me go, she cried.

“Why is everybody leaving me?” she sobbed loudly. “Do you not like me, onii-chan?”

Shaking my head at her, I put a hand on her shoulder, “No, no! Of course it isn’t like that! Rikka nii-san will just go out and look for your big bro then come back here after! We’ll play all day!” I smiled nervously at her.

Alluka stood, looking down on the floor as if thinking deeply. Few seconds later, her face lit up, “Can you give me five strands of your hair please?” She held out her palm and waited.

My hands moved on their own when I noticed I did give her strands of my hair. “What are you going to do with it?” I asked her.

She grinned and hummed hymns, “ Alluka is going to put it on my doll!” She pulled a needle from her pocket and sewed the strands of hair on the doll’s head.

Cold sweat formed on my forehead. I really do have a bad feeling about this. “Alluka-chan, ummm, I really need to see Killua now.”

Her eyes sparkled, “Killua onii-san is still not here. Let’s just wait for him!” She requested something that made my eyes open wide, “Please give me your large intestine please?”

My heart beated faster than before. What did she just say? My INTESTINE?

“Wh...What?” my voice stuttered while speaking.

“Rikka onii-chan, please give me your large intestine.” There was a cheerful smile on her face. Doesn’t she think that request is too weird?

I chuckled anxiously, my hand gripping whatever is around me, “Alluka, you’re joking r..right?”

The little girl answered a no, “Please give me your intestine.”

My teeth chattered in fear, “H...How can I get it out then?”

“I’ll take it out for you. Don’t worry, onii-chan.” The kid walked slowly towards me and her fingers moving as if exercising to take some flesh out.

I crawled backwards, “Alluka... this is a really bad joke, you know?”

She broke into a laugh, “Rikka onii-chan, this is not a joke! We’re playing aren’t we?” The tip of her fingers touched my stomach giving it goosebumps on my skin. “This is going to be quick then we’re off to the next game! Hehehe~”

This is what she calls ‘playing’?

The second her nails dug in to my stomach, I let out a earsplitting shout, “GGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Killua’s POV


I stopped walking while I was on my way home. Why do I get the feeling I should hurry? I followed my instincts and did run home.

When I arrived, I huffed tiredly and found Aniki sitting at the sofa reading a newspaper. “Is Rikka here?”

Wait, why did I ask that?

His piercing black eyes looked into mine and said without a tone, “She’s playing with Alluka. Go check on her. Maybe she’ll die by now.” Illumi didn’t even show concern for Rikka but I swore I saw him smile a bit. I made a dash to Alluka’s room and opened the knob. I didn’t dare blink once when I saw the scene in front of me...

Rikka lied bleeding on the floor. Her stomach was wide open with all her organs scattered around her making the white tiles blood red. Her hands were covering her face as if she can’ t bear to see what Alluka was doing to her.

My little sister was putting an intestine on her human-sized doll, smiling like a kid who got her present for Christmas. She looked at me and grinned happily, “Look, look, onii-san! I made a doll for my collection! Heehee~”

“Alluka...” I mumbled, trying to control myself from hurting my sister.

“Hm?”  her eyes sparkled too much. Then she tugged my shirt sadly, “Rikka nii-san is tired and she still didn’t give me the thing I want most...”

I tried to sound curious, “Oh? What was the last thing you wanted from her?”

I need to answer Alluka’s fourth request so she can heal Rikka immediately. I need to do something...FAST!

The little girl answered, “I wanted to get her eyeballs so my doll would reall look more real.” Alluka pouted and kneeled beside the lifeless body of Rikka.

“Sorry Rikka. You need to get killed again. Please forgive me.” I thought and told my sister, “Sure, get her eyeballs. I’ll get new ones for her.” I gulped nervously...

Her hands slowly trailed up her face and dug her index finger in her eye socket, which made the most disgusting sound I ever heard. After the right side, she got the left one with the same process. I started to cry for Rikka.

“Onii-san? Why are you crying?” she put the two organs in her doll and wiped the tears off my face. With the exact timing, her eyes changed into pitch black. Her other side at last appeared.

I ordered Nanika, “Nanika, heal Rikka completely would you?”

“Heal. Heal. Heal,” She said.

The last time I saw Nanika do this was when Gon was severely injured from fighting Pitou that his whole body was almost burned to ashes. Thanks to Alluka, no, Nanika, he got better.

Rikka’s body reformed bit by bit, “U..Ungghh...” she groaned and I sighed in relief that she was okay now.

After a few minutes, Rikka was now sitting comfortably in the living room as I prepared her hot chocolate.

“That was....painful.” She commented on Alluka’s ability when I explained it to her.

“Yeah, sorry. She did that to you. I promise you Alluka wont be near you ever again.” I assured her.

“Wh..What? Alluka won’t see Rikka onii-san anymore?” she asked, almost close tears again.

I walked over to her and patted her head, “You see, there are things you still don’t have to know but when you’re a pretty lady, I’ll tell you. Do you understand?”

Rikka rested her hands on her knees and leaned, “Don’t worry. I’ll see you soon okay?” She noticed Rikka still didn’t get her necklace back but my childhood friend didn’t mind. “Remember the necklace I gave you? That’s our promise.” Holding out her pinky, the girl grinned at Alluka.

Rikka’s POV

At the Zoldyck’s garden, their maid served Killua and I cups of coffee before I went home.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat every 10 seconds. Yes, he was nervous I could tell.

“Uhhh, about my little sister—“ Killua started but I shut him up quickly.

“I know... I should have believed Uncle Silva years ago before you left.” I explained, looking at the other direction. “He told me your family were killers.”

Killua reasoned, “That’s because he wants you to stay away from me and hate me!” His eyes showed honesty but what’s this feeling that’s been holding me back?

I laid the cup on the table and stood up, “Killua, thank you so much for saving me today. I owe you my life.” Bowing, I took his hand in mine and stayed still. “The truth is...I missed you.”

His eyes widened in happiness? I didn’t know... His hand held my hand tightly, “ last.”

Killua embraced me into a hug, “You finally welcomed me back...”

That's all for today. ^_^ I'll update soon! BYE!

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