Chapter 44

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Narrator's POV

"Rikkaaaaaa, why can't we take a little break?" groaned Gon, while holding his hand out to carress his girlfriend's cheek.

She sighed and said, "Gon, please take this seriosly. After the festival, we have to face another challenge—the finals..."

"Eeeeeeh." Gon stood up from his chair and sat beside Rikka instead.  He grabbed her hand and just fiddled with it to kill time. "Your hand is so smooth as if you don't work at all, Rikka."

An animated vein appeared on her forehead but she just pushed that furiousness away and sighed, "Gon...what are you supposed to be doing?"

"Gomen. I just wanted some time with you." He put on a pout which made him look cute and adorable.

Rikka shook her head, smiling, "Oh well, I can't do anything about that." She touched his cheek, "I'm making a deal."

"Huh? What kind of deal is it?"

"If you pass a score of at least 80 and above, I'll go on a date with you during summer break. If you don't, I won't talk to you until spring."

He yelled out loud, "EEEEEEEHHHH??!! W..Wait, Rikka. That deal is just too hard for me to bear. I...I can't do that!"

Rikka smirked at him and said, "Okaaaay, well then, I'll expect a high grade." She picked her books up and stuck out a tongue at Gon and left him alone.

"No faaaiiiiir!"

Rikka's POV

Gomene, Gon. I just wanted to tease you for a little bit.

I have been thinking of that idea for a long time. It's because it's gonna be Gon and I's monthsary after the finals. If he doesn't pass, then I'll go to Plan B.

I went inside the school library and found an empty table for myself. I bit the nails on my finger, planning our date. "C'mon, Rikka. Thiiink!"

"What if someone comes?" I heard a very girly voice behind the bookshelf to my left. I know that voice....

"It's alright. Leave it to me." That deep husky tone replied to her. Then there were the sounds of books falling on the floor.

I stood up on my heels and walked towards them, telling them to stop what they were doing because they were disturbing other students reading books inside the library.

"E..Excuse me but if you're going to do it here—" I awkwardly butted in between the two lovers but my heart just broke into a million pieces.

There stood Retz half naked, almost taking her blouse off and she seemed to be untying Killua's tie. They seemed so intimate just now.

"Ri..Rikka..." stuttered Retz when she saw me.

Killua's expression was unfazed. In fact, his face is telling me that he doesn't care if he saw me watching them!

"Oh...hey Rikka. Hmm, how long has it been since we talked? About a month now?" he even asked so innocently that it made me want to crawl out of my own skin. "And sorry if we're disturbing you. I couldn't take it anymore so I dragged Retz here and decided to do that here. We'll find for a more suitable place."

I balled my fists and courageously asked, "Are you and Retz—?"

Killua grinned, even holding Retz's hand in his, "Yeah, we hooked up just a week ago. She helped me move on from you and I was very grateful! I think she's the one for me."

The one for 'you'? What the hell are you talking about, baka?

"I..I see. Good for you then. And anyway, you should definitely go to another place. A teacher might see you here. I'll go now. Bye!" I waved at them and walked away, trying not to cry.


"Damn it..." Killua hit the nearest bookshelf near him while he was buttoning up his uniform when they finished their 'little act'.

"Daijoubu, Killua-kun?" asked Retz, properly combing her hair.

"I shouldn't have done that in front of her. I feel like a big idiot." He leaned his forehead on the shelf and breathed deeply, calming himself.

She laid a hand on his shoulder, "You want to get back with her right? Then you have to endure the process. It'll take awhile though."

He looked at her expectingly and saw that what she had in mind will surely work. But what he didn't know was that this idea will ruin their lives.

Gon's POV

I hummed while walking towards the library so I could start reviewing for the exams. Sure, Rikka was making this very hard deal for me but is this really necessary?

"Did I do something wrong again? Hmm, I don't remember doing anything bad to her lately." I said to myself.

"You want to get back with her right?" My ears popped up with the sound of Retz's voice.

Get back with who? Rikka?

"I just hope she will realize how deeply sorry I am."

Killua! What are you doing there?! Why are you talking to her?!

"Of course. She will realize that soon. Just hang on for a little longer okay?" assured Retz to Killua.

Something's not right about her tone. It sounds so... tempting.

"So that's it for today?" Killua asked her.

"Yep. That's it."

I walked away from them as far as possible, thinking about their conversation awhile ago. Something fishy is going on here and I don't like it. I have to talk to Killua about this.

When I was about to go inside the library, Rikka came rushing out with a face I couldn't tell if she was angry or was depressed.

"Rikka!" I called out to her but she didn't turn around or maybe heard me. My feet ran on its own accord and caught up with her. "What's wrong—"

"Nothing's wrong." She answered almost too quickly. Her eyes were glassy like tears almost spilled out of it.

"Are you sure you're fine 'cause I can take you to—" I was cut off again before I could speak.

"I SAID I'M FINE OKAY???!!" She yelled suddenly and I was taken back. Rikka realized what she had done and shook her head in apology, "I..I'm sorry, Gon. I'm just not in the mood to talk right now. Can..Can I go home for today?"

It took me a few seconds to regain my composure and said, "Oh sure. No problem. I understand. Do you want me to take you home?"

"Thanks but no thanks. I appreciate your kindness Gon." She gave me a kiss on the cheek before she left.

"Okay...Take care on the way then..." I muttered softly.

Let me ask you again, Rikka...

Are we really okay?

A/N: *bombs exploding* WOOOOAAAHHHH. That ending was kind of awesome. xDDDD Nyahahaha

*sigh* Poor Gon and Rikka. Oh and also Killua. Maybe you're thinking, "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!! JUST KISS AND MAKE UP ALREADY!"

*clears throat* Ehem, Ehem, anyway. Here's our question

Question: What's Rikka?
a) Sooooo stupid
b) Sooooo clueless
c) Sooooo complicated
d) All of the above


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