Chapter 21

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Heeeyaa peeps! Another update coming your way! I think I might know what your reaction is. :3


Retz's POV

No. I wasn't planning on getting Gon to be my boyfriend. I don't know this feeling but...I just had to do it.

"You're missing Killua, don't you??" I forced myself to say that in front of him even if it means seeing him unhappy and...discouraged.

Rikka hit me on the shoulder, "I HATE YOU, RETZ!"

"I love you too, sweetheart!" I laughed cheekily at her, enjoying the bullying.

After school that day, I didn't go home together with Rikka, my gal, because I was on duty to be cleaning the classroom. Damn, it was hard work. I wanted to treat Rikka to something since she was gone and scared at wherever that place is.

I was staring at nowhere while sweeping the floor with the broom when the door slided open suddenly like in horror movies—which I hope I wasn't in one now....

"AAAAAACCCK! GO AWAY EVIL SPIRIT! GO AWAY!" I swung the broom towards the person in front of me, my eyes closed in fright.

Then I heard that familiar sound of a cough. I opened my eyes, calming myself down and bringing down the broom again on the dusty floors.

*Cough! Cough!*

"What are you doing, Retz? Doing some voodoo dust spells or something?" The spiky haired, Gon, wiped his face from the dustmites he receive when I attacked him with the almighty broom.

My chest started to go up and down. He's here! He's here!

"Y..You! You scared the hell out of me, baka Gon!"

"Hehehe, gomen gomen." Gon chuckled innocently as he paced around our classroom, as if looking for something.

Sighing in relief, I asked him a question, "Soo, what's your business here?"

He didn't look at me but Gon answered, "I'm just searching for a box."

A box.... I think I saw that around somewher—

My eyes landed on the pink little box at the dark corner of the room.

Don't tell me that's for...??

I walked briskly for the package and hid it inside my skirt pocket. When I glanced back at him, he was still looking through his desk and Killua's.

What am I doing?! Why can't I give this to him?!

"No...No...I won't..." I mumbled silently to myself.

"Hm? Did you say something, Retz?" he turned around and stared at me in confusion.

I shook my head in response and faked a smile at him, "Umm no! Nothing at all...." I clutched the pink box inside my skirt pocket like I was trying to protect it from being seen.

Then I came to a conclusion....

I am now jealous of Kushina Rikka and I can't let Gon pursue her. It should be me he's loving....It should be me...

"Retz, if you see that box I'm talking about, can you give it to me?" said Gon, who now stood up from kneeling. "See you tomorrow then." He brushed his hands from the dust and walked away...just like that.

When he closed the door, I gave a late reply, "Okay...

At home I opened my eyes in guilt. My eyes threatened to spill tears as I thought to myself that I was hurting my bestfriend and Gon... I loved them both but...

A sudden urge of possessiveness washed over me, "No matter what the situation is...I'll do whatever it takes for Gon to like me...."

Gon's POV

I whistled, walking the steps at our home near Rikka's house. Once I knocked on the wooden door, Aunt Mito, with a big smile on her face, welcomed me with a hug.

"Welcome home, Gon." She greeted me energetically as ever. It looks like she's in a good mood today. "Are you hungry?"

I just nodded at her and she went to the kitchen to prepare my food.

"Where's Ging?" Asking, while taking a spoon and fork out of its container.

Aunt Mito appeared with a bowl of ramen in her hands, "Gon, I told you to call him Dad." She scolded me as she placed it on the table. "Well, I guess he's off somewhere again. He said he'll be late for dinner so just finish your food and go sleep early, okay?"


When I got to my room, as I looked at it, it felt....very different from where I used to sleep before. I was used to hearing the crickets and fireflies outside my window during the night. I could also smell the sea when the wind blows hard towards my room at Whale Island. But now, I hear lizards, some people talking late at night at the streets, and feeling the cold evening breeze of Tokyo.


I fell into a deep sleep just thinking about that one word...

A/N: Looks at you in expectation, sooo what do you think of this chap?? Is it weird? What about Retz and Gon's POV?

So my dad just left for the airport and I can't help but feeling sad.. :((


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