Chapter 37

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Rikka's POV

"Thank you for coming!" I bowed down to the customer I served just now. She gave me a tip and left with a satisfied look.

I'm currently wearing a plain white t-shirt and a light brown kimono on top, giving it a casual look. The girls' hairstyles were all the same-our hair are tied up by two sticks.

"You look stunning." Gon whispered in my ear while I was serving tea to middle-aged women in another table. My face immediately turned dark red and the women laughed because of our little scene.

I smacked Gon on the shoulder, "Didn't I tell you to focus working and not saying those embarrassing things to me." I chuckled playfully at him and continued placing the cups on my customer's table.

"Sweetie, the both of you are so adorable. I wish you happiness in your relationship." One of the women smiled at us brightly.

"Domo," We bowed to them and left for another serving to the other customers.

"See? It didn't turn out so bad after all." winked Gon, who was carrying all the trays for me.

"Yeah, easy for you to say." I sighed, putting the unused trays on the counter and asked for the next food coming up. "Where's the takoyaki, guys?"

"Wait just a sec! Almost done!" our chef announced inside the kitchen with a loud sizzling sound from the heat and oil.

I leaned my body on the edge of the counter and looked at how Gon walked here to another spot carrying the food trays. It wasn't like he was tired at all. In fact, he was enjoying it. When he had the chance to go closer to me, he would give me a hug and then let go immediately because of people staring weirdly at us.

"Once we're done with this, we'll spend our free time together okay?" Gon promised me.

I smirked at him, raising a brow, "I'll expect that." I loved surprises from this guy. It's as if he has something fishy underneath that angelic face of his.

The door opened and I quickly put on my grinning face, "Welcome Sir-" I froze in my position.

His sharp blue eyes...When was the last time I saw those? His smooth white hair...when did I last feel them? How much did I miss his sarcastic smile and offending jokes?

"Killua..." his name went out of my mouth sourly like vomiting out something yucky. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm a customer, aren't I? You are supposed to be serving me. Don't keep me waiting then. Show me where I'm supposed to sit." He walked passed after me and didn't even let me speak for myself. I was confused. I thought I was the one who's suppose to be angry, not him!

I grinded my teeth in anger, directing him to his table, "What are your orders, Sir." I forced those words out of my mouth and just hoped this nightmare will be over soon.

"I'd like to order your forgiveness." He stared at me with much seriousness, my eyes would pop out of their sockets.

"Don't joke with me, Killua." I frowned at him and placed the menu on his table. "Call another waitress when your mind is processing correctly." I walked away from him and went inside the staff room.

"Rikka, I saw Killua coming in and-" said Gon who was obviously worried for me.

"I"m okay. He didn't do anything. Don't worry." I buried my face in my hands and gave in a long sigh.

Gon sat beside me and enveloped me in his long, tanned arms. "Just tell me when you feel bad. I'm right here, okay? Don't hold back with your problems because I'll willingly listen to them." He planted a kiss on the crown of my head.

I cried on his shoulder, "Yeah..Yeah...I'll do that." I put my arms on his waist, pulling him closer to me. We stayed like that for awhile and he didn't complain at all.

After my sudden outburst of tears, my make up was smeared so I put some on again. My costume almost looked like it wasn't ironed then I straightened them with Gon's help.

I groaned, holding his hand, "I owe you a lot now. You've been helping me these past few days, Gon. I don't know how to repay your kindness."

He laughed cheekily as we walked out of the staff room, hand in hand. "You don't need to suffer all by yourself. Aaaand, I'll spoil you a lot so get ready for it." Gon poked me on my nose.

When we both went out, Killua was standing outside, waiting for us. Dark bags were under his eyes and his skin looks more pale than before. "Onegai, Rikka... Please talk to me today then after that I won't bug you anymore. I promise..."

I felt Gon's hand squeezing mine as if...he wants me to be in good terms with his friend.

Gon and I had a staring contest for a few minutes but I lost so, I heaved a sigh and faced Killua, "Fine. Let's talk this out."

Killua's faced sparkled with delight and led me at the canteen where there's only quite a few people sitting. I picked a chair and sat, waiting for his 'boring' explanation.

"Make it quick." I told him coldly but he didn't mind it since he knew the root of our quarrel.

He cleared his throat and started, "First of all, I...I'm really sorry I hurted your feelings but... I'm just confused why you were suddenly angry at me because of it."

My cheeks turned red and my heart thumped faster inside my rib cage. Thoughts formed in my mind, making me dizzy and nervous.

Why am I mad at him anyway? What was the reason I got all so worked up for? Why did I react that way when I saw Retz kissing Killua? WHY?

It was easy asking questions but answering them is the difficult part. And that was the current situation I'm in.

"I know I disappointed you because I even confessed to you! You were expecting something noble and manly didn't you?" asked Killua guiltily. "I..I...don't deserve an answer because of what I did. So..just forget I even told you I like you, Rikka. Forget everything that had happened...including me." He bobbed his head in depression and stood up to leave.

I held his hand, stopping him. "Ki..Killua... I..."

What was I going to say? Why did I stop him?

He just stared at me, hoping for something like a miracle.

"I like Gon," I forced a smile on my face, "...and I like you too! a friend. Nothing more, nothing less."

His hopeful expression disappeared but Killua still smiled for me, "I'm glad you're satisfied, Rikka. I knew you would be with the person who would surely make you happy." His eyes got teary but he held those flood of sadness back.

I slowly let go of his hand and muttered, "You'll find that 'someone' too. I'm sure you will."

"Yeah. Thanks for the encouragement. See ya around." He turned on his heels and walked away from saying good-bye.

What do you mean "See ya around"? I thought you won't ever talk to me again? Why aren't you saying your goodbye or something just like in the movies!

Killua turned at the corner. He was soul will rest in peace.

However, instead of jumping with joy, I croaked out these two ridiculous words, "Don't go..." My cheeks were wet from the tears continuously running down and down. "Killua-kun...Don't go..Don't go..." I closed me eyes, expecting him to appear right before me.

But he wasn't there anymore.

A/N: *sobs* Ohmygoosh, this feeels. THIS DEM FEELS.

I'm so sorry for my late upload. I am currently studying so I need to make this a/n short. ^_^

And I'm also busy watching Kodomo no Omocha(Child's Toy/Play)!! HAHAHAHA I decided to watch it again cuz I forgot the whole story. So yeaaaaah. :3

Question: Did the last scene of this chapter happen to you already? If it did, tell me the feeling.


After The Years || KILLUA ZOLDYCK ✔Where stories live. Discover now