Chapter Ten

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Retz's POV

[Flashback 10 years ago]

I woke up in a bedroom that day and I didn't know what the reason was but there's one thing I remember. Onii-chan....

"Ummm, are you okay now? You got burns on your body. I saw you at this old mansion in the forest and you were under some floorboards still breathing." A girl's voice spoke to me. Her tone was so warm and gentle.

My eyes were blurry but I could see her figure in front of me.

"Wh...Who are you?" I asked weakly.

"Eehh?" She gasped with wonder, "You have blue eyes! Where did you come from?"

I winced, "Hu..Huh?"

Her eyes glowed with curiosity. "I saaaaid, where do you come from?"

My head started to ache when I tried to remember. "I..I don't know..." When I looked to the left, there was a mirror, with my reflection on it.

Yes, my eyes were blue but... they look like someone else's. My right cheek was bandaged with cotton and it was spotted with red dots which was blood. My arms were bruised and scratched.

Then that girl touched my hair, "Rikka~chan likes your yellow hair. I wish I could have something like this..."

"Your name is Rikka?" I asked her, suddenly feeling the pain of my wounds little by little.

She nodded, "Uh-huh! I have lots of toys to play with! Guess what!" The little girl held my hands, "You and I will be friends from now on!"

Friends? That word rang in my ears as voices played in my thoughts.

"Come with us Retz-chan!" a boy's cheerful voice said.

I massaged the side of my head but hid it perfectly from her view. "Retz..."


"My name is Retz."

Rikka exclaimed, "Kawaii! You have a nice name, Retz!"

My cheeks flushed scarlet, "O..Oh, thanks."

[Flashback END]

It was only a dream! Thank goodness. What was that about?! Was that some kind of joke?!

I sighed deeply as I brushed my teeth and washed my face clean. All of a sudden, fragments of memories came back to me. I flinched in pain, kneeling on the bathroom floor.

Go now... it was me speaking in the fire.

Retz! Nooo! that mysterious voice called out to me again.

I opened my eyes to hear myself breathing for air. "Wha..What..." My eyes teared up a little. "I want to remember something but I just can't seem to do it..." I sobbed. "It's haunting me for years...YEARS! I don't even know something useful in my past! What's wrong with me!"

Out of nowhere, I was startled by Rikka, Killua, and Gon waiting at the gate. "Retz-chan! Are you ready?"

Wiping the tears away from my face, I hurried up and sprinted down the stairs. "Okay! Wait a second!"

"Bonjour Rikka!" Ahh, my worries are gone again. Maybe I should not think too hard about my past and just live life. But there's something about these two boys...

"Hi Retz!" Gon greeted with his usual energetic tone. His voice... It's kind of...

I erased that thought in my mind and gave the two boys hugs. "Nice to see you dudes!" Then I did the normal thing I usually do everyday. I always talked to Rikka-chan, my bestfriend.

I got nothing to worry about if she's there by my side. It doesn't matter if I don't remember my past because...I'm going to make new ones with my friends and that's fine already.

Rikka's POV

Alright! The results of the exam came out today! As expected, I was at the 13th place and Retz was 3rd. Of course Killua was 1st... He's a handsome nerd anyway.

"Awww. Do you feel bad Rikka?" teased Retz who was definitely enjoying it. Because she passed the test, there was this sparkling aura around her.

I rested my chin on my palm. "Whatever...At least I didn't get last place..." I noticed Killua and Gon weren't here yet. "Where are they?"

"Ohh, maybe Gon is still taking the entrance exam." Retz giggled on my ear, "Killua said Gon isn't that smart too so it's a 50-50 chance."

Standing up, I suggested her. "Wanna go wait for them outside the Entrance Exam Room?"

"Sure." she agreed.

After waiting for 15 minutes, Gon and Killua went out of the room with expressionless faces.

"How did it go dudes?" My bestfriend asked them.

Gon kind of grinned, "I..I passed...?"

Retz and I jumped for joy and screamed silently(Is there such thing), "Congratulations Gon!" We both crushed Spiky into a hug until he couldn't breathe anymore.

"G..Girls, thank you so much for the support." He was still recovering from the this-freaking-girls-took-my-breath-away incident. "...and by the way, I'm going to be your new classmate."

Killua told Gon angrily, "That was suppose to be a secret! Why did you tell them?!"

"Ehehehe, sorry. I forgot." Spiky reasoned to Killua who was calming himself down.

Retz cleared her throat, adding. "Is today your first day or is it tomorrow?" Hmm, why is she curious so much?

"Umm, well. I..uhh..." He turned to Killua for help. "I forgot again. What was it?"

I whispered giggling quietly, "You know Retz, maybe we should change Spiky to Amnesia Boy."

She laughed with me, "Nice one, Rikka~chan." Retz made a thumbs-up.

Killua replied to Gon'a question, "It's tomorrow. Don't be excited."

Amnesia Boy pouted like baby, "Okay...." But he faced me and held my hand in his, "I'll be good! Remember that!"

What? "Alright?" I chuckled curiously by what he said.

Then the unexpected thing happened, that I didn't know-Gon had just declared war on Killua by kissing me on the cheek.

OMG !!! "Declared war" eh? Hahahah Hola minna! How ya doin over on the other side? please tell me anything good or bad about my story okay? PUHLEASE! Give a thumbs-up or a down. See ya next time!

After The Years || KILLUA ZOLDYCK ✔Where stories live. Discover now