Chapter 25

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A/N: Gomenasai!!! *bows low* Have you waited long? :(( For one week, I haven't posted a chapter but here! :D Sorry again!


Killua's POV

"Onii-chan, do you love me?" my younger sister, Alluka, asked out of the blue.

"Huh? Of course I do. Why do you ask?" Bewildered, I asked too. She was now at the age of 13 but the way she thinks is still like a 5-year-old's. Sometimes, I wondered why she had that weird killing ability. From whose ancestor did she inherit it? No doubt, my white hair came from my father, Silva.

Alluka came for a head butt and said, "Because I love you so muuuuch, onii-chaaaaaaan!"

Okay that was a weird answer.

Without the both of us noticing, Kalluto came in with a tray of cookies and glasses of fresh milk. Her way of saying HI is nodding her head at us and placed the red tray on the table near us.

"YEEEEEEY! Cooooookiiieeess!!!" The little girl bounced off me and took a bite of Kalluto's recipe. She squealed in delight as she ate more from the plate.

"Aren't you gonna do anything today, nii-chan?" She put her knuckles on her hips. "If you're thinking of playing XBox, the

I shook my head in response, "After Retz went here, I couldn't help but just think... There's something weird about her like..." I tried to explain but no words came out. "It's like...the feeling when you want to remember someone but then you can't point who it is?" I ruffled my hair, groaning. "OH WHATEVER! It's so hard to tell!"

The mature girl made a 'tsk' sound, "You're so confusing you know?"

I chuckled, "Ooooh, is the little imouto trying to help his aniki?" I teased her.

Her face flushed, her head turning the other way. "UGH! So what if I'm trying to help you? It's just for a change alright?!"

"Okay, thank you very much! As a reward, gimme some sugar!" I held my arms out as a gesture for hugging.

"IN YOUR DREAMS, BAKA!" She crossed her arms and spat at me coldly.

Busy arguing, Alluka took the chance to escape from her 'prison' and made her way outside the house for her newfound adventure. "Heehee~ new toys... New toys!"

Rikka's POV

I laid the teacup on the table awkwardly, "So....where do we start?" My brain was still processing everything that is happening at this moment.

Gon started the conversation confidently, "About the gifts, you didn't receive anything at all?"

"I promise, I didn't receive anything from the mail box or the doorstep. If you have given them then I should have seen all of those right?"

"Yes, I do believe you, Rikka. But...oh nevermind. I'm stressing with you with useless things. I'm so sorry..." He apologized.

I smiled at him, "No, it's okay. It should be me who's sorry because I lost the presents you gave me." I lowered my head in sympathy.

Silence came over us.

We both struggled for a topic when he and I blurted something at the same time, "Do you wanna go out?"

"Do you wanna eat something?" I said.

"What?" We asked in unison.

Then we bursted into cheeky laughter.

"Oh my gosh, that was hilarious." I gasped for air.

"Yeah." he added shortly, also out of breath.

Without even thinking clearly, I stood up and purposely yawned, "I think I might wanna sleep now, Gon. I'll go home for today."

He also rose to his feet and he walked me to the door. His black spiky hair was dancing left and right as he walked. Gon's back was lean and manly. I could have touched it all day. His tanned skin hasn't changed at all.

He's kind of cool..

Once Gon turned the knob and pulled the door open, I gave Gon a sisterly hug and bid him my goodbyes. "Thanks again, Gon."

Gon suddenly steals a kiss on a cheek and shut the door quickly, leaving me transfixed on the spot.

Did he just....??

My hand traveled its way up to my cheek and felt the warmness his lips left there. Is he really that serious with me?

Regaining my composure, I walked briskly to my home since it was already nighttime. I couldn't help but think of Gon too. I don't really like him but...there's something about him that makes me want to cuddle? Is it brotherly love?

"Rikka! I was so worried you weren't coming back!" Mom crushed me with a bear hug. I see she was very worried.

I nodded tiredly, "Okay...I'm off to bed. Oyasumi..." I climbed up at the stairs like a turtle.

"Oyasumi, Rikka." She greeted back.

A/N: Yes, you are not dreaming. IT'S AN UPDATE GUYS! For one week, I haven't posted a chapter! I deeply apologize to you! *bows* And hey, wow! 5K reads! Again, THANK YOU! :D You're such blessings to me!

And sorry too if it's too short.

If you wanna ask a question, ask me in

I'm always there to answer it all. :)) Bye for now, lovelies and handsomieees!

After The Years || KILLUA ZOLDYCK ✔Where stories live. Discover now