Chapter 24

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Rikka's POV

Sunday mornings are the worst. I never get to do anything except for doing my homework and rest on my bed ALL DAY.

I stared at the cream-colored ceiling of my bedroom and siged in boredom. "What shall I do today huh?" I asked myself.

Sitting up, I crossed my arms and thought of choices. Well, I could go around town. I could call Retz so we can shop for girly things. I could bike at the park to flatten my fat tummy.

I shook my head with all of those ideas. My brows met as I thought through. "Uggghhh... This is useless. Use your brain, Rikka." I scolded my brain for not being helpful such times as this.

A knock on my door came, "Rikka? Are you just going to stay there or what?" Mom's voice erupted from the wooden door.

"U...Ummm," I walked and opened it for her. "Actually, I'm planning. But I just can't think of anything to do..." I groaned in sympathy.

"Hmmm well..." She pulled out something from her apron-a white rolled piece of paper? She folded it out and the paper went down halfway through her waist. "Can you shop these for me then?"

I sweatdropped. No way I would buy groceries that long...


In the end, I couldn't resist my Mom. I owed her a lot this year anyway.

On the list, I grabbed an eggplant and dragged it to the pushcart with a matching frown on my face, "Worst Sunday ever...." I breathed out. When I was done at the vegetable section. I moved forward to the fruits category. I picked the bananas and mangoes then off I go until...


"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I ran towards the person I bumped the push cart. There was a woman in the age of 20s or 30s. Her orange hair was tied into a bun. And she dressed like was from a faraway province.

The woman got up from the floor and got all the fallen groceries on the ground. "It's okay. I'm not hurt or anything." She brushed her clothes clean once she put everything in the basket.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I asked again, worriedly.

She nodded, smiling brightly, "I promise I'm okay, sweetie."

I was left standing there in concern then I quietly scolded myself for having such a bad day and then someone got hurt because of me.

Fifteen minutes later, I was already at the cashier paying for the things I have bought. Phew, finally done. I gave the cashier girl the money and walked away with the groceries.

"Ma'am, because you have no money, you need to put all these merchandises back before I call the security guard." A stern voice caught my attention.

"B..But, it took me a long time to put all these in the basket! I can't possibly put this all back!" The woman earlier was talking with the girl at the cashier.

The cashier girl replied, "Ma'am, the total bill is ¥5,500 and you only have ¥3,000! You have to put some of the stuff back."

[A/N: Yes, in Japan, they have extremely expensive things. For example, like one soda can and it already costs ¥250!!]

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