Chapter 46

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A/N: Sooooo here's a photo of Arata! Hihihihi He's super hot isn't he??? XDDD



Rikka's POV

"Hm..." I moaned, opening my eyes into the orangey light from a nearby window beside me.

Was I sleeping? I don't remember going home yet.

I turned my head to the side and saw a slightly opened door. Uh-oh, this isn't my room. The clock struck 8 PM now. Where am I?

"How did you two meet?"

Hey, that's Arata. Am I in his house?

"It's none of your business, is it?" Gon's familiar voice replied calmly yet so serious and intimidating.
Arata chuckled, laughing at Gon in amusement, "You don't have to be so mad at me, bro. I'm just asking anyway."

I got off the bed and tiptoed my way towards the door. I peeked through the gap and saw that the both of them were across the living room, talking like old if they are.

"What's your relationship with Rikka anyway..." said Gon like an investigator.

Arata read his atmosphere like was some kind of extraordinary thing. He was amused of Gon's attitude. "What if I say...." He grinned mischievously. "...I was her first love?"

Gon's face twitched in anger but he controlled it and heaved a deep breath like he's calming himself down. "Is that true?"

"Hmmm, yes. If I also remember correctly, I was Rikka's first kiss-"

Gon clutched Arata's shirt and whispered something to him that I couldn't hear, but I'm pretty sure Gon was really pissed off.

This time, I went out and joined the scene like I haven't seen anything yet, "Wow, Gon I didn't see you there." I faked surprised.

"Rikka, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Gon immdiately let go of Arata and cupped my cheeks in concern.

I blushed, "I..I'm okay."

I missed Gon's physical contact with me...

"Oh please...Stop flirting in front of me." Arata pretended to feel out of place by putting his hands over his eyes. "Get a room, you idiots."

Gon and I burst into a fit of laughter at his reaction. It seems that the tense atmosphere earlier has subsided now and my boyfriend had adjusted with Arata's attitude.

Glancing at my wristwatch, I announced that Gon and I should go home soon because our parents will worry about us.

"Sure, be careful on the way alright?" asked Arata with his big-brother mode.

I assured him that we'll both be okay then we left his house.

Gon's POV

"Rikka, don't get angry if I say this."

She turned her head toward me curiously, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know how to say this in a right manner but you see, can you avoid Arata as much as possible from now on?" I mumbled guiltily.

Now I'm sure Rikka will be mad at me! I thought in regret and braced for what's gonna happen next.

I felt her hands embracing me and she whispered, "I understand that you're jealous, Gon so I'll gladly avoid Arata from now on." She looked up at me with a smirk on her face. She's enjoying teasing me huh...?

Looping my arms around her, I grinned confidently at her, "Are you playing with fire, Girlfriend?"

Rikka loosened her hug and crossed her arms in challenge, "I'm not playing with it anymore because I put the fire out. I already won, Boyfriend."

Damn, is she seducing me....?

"What are you trying to pull off here, Miss Kushina-soon-to-be-Freecs?" I smirked at her, hugging her close to me that our faces are inches apart.

Rikka puffed her cheeks and tears formed on the corner of her eyes. She couldn't take it anymore so she laughed all the way, clutching her stomach. "OMG, ahahahaha! Gomene, Gon. I was just toying with ya. I can't believe you won't fall for my trick at all!"

I sighed at her current attitude right now, "C'mon, I'll take you home now." I laced my fingers with hers as we walked down the street.

She was unbelievably hyper.... Is something wrong with her?

I shook my head and erased those thoughts at all.


"Finally, my plan is working. Good work, imouto." Retz's voice deepened because of Omokage's possession on her body. Then it changed when it was Retz's turn to speak, "No problem, onii-chan. Anything for you. We can control Arata as long as we please."

Retz smiled evilly, "And guess what, we have Killua as well. I'll have Gon for myself after the plan succeeds."


IT HAS BEEN SO LONG, HASN'T IT GUYS?? *squeals* And yeees, it's an update after waiting for more than one weeeek! >_< Weeeeheeeee~~~!!!

And omg, some people know me in FB! I can't believe it myself too!! XD I feel honored! Hihihi~

Question: Omokage has been showing up lately. What do you think is his plan? :3


ps. i'm sorry if this chapter is short again :((

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