Chapter 58

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A/n: I really couldn't promise that I'll update after a week. *sobs* GOMENE MINNA. *sobs*


Gon's POV

"Gon-kun!" A warm voice filled the air.

I looked around me and saw a paradise of roses in all sorts of colors. What is happening here?

"I'm over here!" That voice called out, causing me to turn to it and saw a slim figure from afar.

When I ran towards it, I got a clearer look of its face-Retz. But she's an enemy, I shouldn't trust her now so I stopped in my tracks. The more I stopped, the nearer she is.

"Come on! You're missing a lot in life, Gon!" She yelled, smiling.

"No," I strongly said, "Why have you changed, Retz? You weren't like this before..."

But she didn't answer and kept urging me to go with her in that fake paradise.

When I stopped to stare at her run away, laughing, the ground behind her started to swallow everything up the surface. Retz had an alarmed look on her face and turned to me for help.

"TASUKETE!" She screamed, struggling to get out of the hole but it wad in vain. It was rapidly eating her.

My heart rammed inside my rib cage, deciding what I should do. Should I help her or not? But she did so much to me. I couldn't just possibly forgive her instantly!

"STOP IT!" I covered my ears with my hands then instantly.

I woke up, sweating gallons.


"Holy crap..." I gasped for air, waking up from the dream. My face was so sweaty and my wrists were bruised from moving around too much with the chains still attached to me. "What was that all about?"

Did that dream have a meaning? No, I don't think so.

I heard music from the other room that sounded like a cello. The sound it produced was with such emotion that I could feel it from here. The hairs on my skin even stood up with every note.

No, I really have to get out of here. Did my Nen go back already?

When I activated it, my body blazed with newfound strength and broke free from the chains quietly before I knew it.

I sighed in satisfaction, "It has been awhile since I used Nen. I better get used to them while I still have time."

Stretching my body, I walked towards the door and opened it.

Killua's POV

This was going to be a long explanation but I better do this after we find Gon.

"Rikka, we want to be hunters because we just know we have to be one. It's like an automatic answer to all our problems." I answered as shortly as possible. "I have to hurry though."

She held me back, "I'll come with you."

My chest thumped in the sincerity in her voice, "No, it's too dangerous. What if you..." I didn't finish the sentence and looked down.

Rikka held my hand tighter, "I promise, I won't slow you down but Gon is my friend too. I will be there to save him when he's in trouble, right?"

"But..." I tried to reason but the determination in her eyes made me sigh in defeat and said, "Fine, but if anything happens to you, what would your mom-"

She cut me off, "I'll be fine, I promise."

"Okay....then let's go." We broke into a run

Ging's POV

{A/n: First time eh? HAHAHAHA alright, let's see the father's view. lol}

I knew this would happen sooner or later.

I didn't take notice of it the past few weeks but I have been seeing a dark aura hanging on Gon's body every time he went home. The moment he steps into the house, it suddenly disappears or was it just because of my strong presence?

All I know is that it doesn't want to be found or felt by me. It feared me.

Balling my fists, I jumped from stone to stone at the rapids, searching for left traces of my son, Gon. What could have happened to him now.

Despite being alone by myself, I was still embarrassed to call him my son. I frowned and erased that thought in my head. Geez, such a drag taking care of a child.

If Akemi was here, she probably would say, Ging! You better get your ass back here and take care of Gon! I'm tired doing the laundry, you know!

I smiled to myself then slowly I stopped. My chest ached again. This happens every time I remember her. I shook my head and focused on finding Gon.

Then my phone rang, "Yeah?"

It was the white-haired gorilla, "Yo, I'm looking for him now. I think I have an idea where he is. I recently found out that Retz wasn't at her house so I assume that the two of them are together."

I put on my Gyo to my ears to hear if the kid was real while talking to me. Killua seemed to be running. Yes, he indeed was but I could hear another pair of steps near him. "Who's with you, kiddo?"

I heard him gulp like he was nervous, "'s Rikka."

"Damn! Why of all people would you bring my kid's former girlfriend?!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"Ehh...uhh, she wanted to help-"

"HELP?! Holy daughter of a hippopocampus, that lass is not needed here. Put her back to where she came from!" I ended the call with an animated vein on my forehead.

"Such a headache..." I whispered.

A voice said in my head. It wasn't familiar at all.

Are you coming, Ging? Come and get your son then.

A/n: *kneels* I would like to receive your slaps now. *readies my face for some impact*

I'm truly sorry. Like seriously. :( I couldn't update chapters like I used to before. AAGGHH, why is it so hard to be a senior in highschool?! (dramatic music in background)

Question: Are you mad at me.... *sobs*


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