Chapter 17

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Hi minna! How are your lives? :D Mine's good.....and then the exams have come to make me busy... -____- urrrk....

So I'm going to update a new chapter for you guys! Heehee~ I feel really inspired by the manga Kanojo wa Uso so Aishisugiteru! It's all about my music and tragedic romance. ;) Definitely recommended!

Okay, okay, without further delay, here's what you're waiting for! ^_^


"I feel sick...." That's the first thing that came into my mind. I was already awake 15 minutes ago but instead of seeing my captors, I saw a cream-colored cloth covering my whole head. The string tying this thing was pretty tight on my neck which made me struggle to breathe for fresh air.

"Oh look, I can see her breathing." A voice full of desire to kill gave me goosebumps on every surface of my skin. It made me want to crawl out of my skin with fright.

Then a deeper voice like an old man's chimed in, "Should we take that off?"

A crispy tone replied with a samurai accent, "Let her be. She'll get used to it." I gasped when I heard a swipe of a sword not more than a few inches away from my ear.

Oh god....Oh god...Where the heck am I?

I exhaled faster than before with shock and nervousness. I need to get out of here....

After a few seconds of panicking, the cloth that blocked my vision was removed away and I flinched at the view of the sunset on my eyes. I looked away and saw people surrounding me with their cautious and deadly stares.

The girl who talked to me earlier was at the darkest corner of the huge room weaving some scarf. I just realized now that it was getting cold. My knees shivered and buckled together when footsteps came towards my direction.

I places my eyes on a man with black hair that's pushed back which made him creepy but he had eyes so lonely. His fluttering coat he wore was obviously expensive. I bet he stole it or he's just plain rich.

"Wh..Who are you and why did you kidnap me?" I built my guts and asked him that.

"I have nothing against you but we just plan to make you our bargaining chip." I decided to name him Gel Guy because his hair was styled like that. That made me laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Did we get the wrong girl?" An auburn-haired guy with the same cheerful nature as Gon's questioned Machi, if I remember correctly.

She replied angrily, "I told you that's the girl, alright?!" The female weaver cut the finishing thread with a loud snap.

"Phinks, you shouldn't have removed the cloth..." a bored voice sighed, revealing a Chinese-looking boy with a red scarf covering his mouth. I couldn't even distinguish if he was blinking anymore with his thin eyes.

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