Chapter 20

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"Rikka-chan! You're a hot topic in school, you know!" whispered Retz who can't handle extreme attention from everyone around us. It seems that the students and teachers in our school about my kidnapping. Scratch that, teen-napping. I don't wanna be called a "kid".

"Don't mind them. You're just being overly conscious about what they might say to me." I put my hands on her shoulders and started massaging them.

Retz looked at me in worry, "B..But..." Yes, she's obviously panicking yesterday because I was gone for hours. She cried "buckets of tears" for me. Now that's what you call OVER-REACTING.

I cut her off saying, "I said I'M OKAY. They didn't hurt me. They just asked a couple of questions then they let me go already."

"Ummm..." My bestfriend fiddled with her fingers.


"CAN YOU PLEASE STOP MASSAGING MY SHOULDERS?! You're making me laugh my lungs out!" She bursted out, her ears and nose smoking.

I told her in laughter, "OH DANG IT. I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN A PHOTO OF YOUR PRICELESS FACE!" I huffed, holding my tummy while laughing out loud.

*English Class*

"After what comes before a prepositional phrase?" the teacher asked us. "Anyone?"

No reply.

"Okay, you, Mr. Freeces." She pointed her teaching stick at him.

His spiky hair stood up like he's been electricuted or something. "U..Uhhh... A noun?"

"Wrong, mister. Guess again." she sternly replied.

Gon put his hands behind his head, "Ummm... An adjective?"

"Wrong again! Are you really studying?" The air in the classroom started to thicken and the students sweated a lot in nervousness.

"U..Uh.." He lowered his head in defeat, "Sorry Ma'am, I really don't know."

She laid her stick on her desk and was about to say something when the clock struck 12 noon.

All of us cheered, "IT'S LUNCH TIME!" We flooded out of the hell-of-a-class place and ran for the canteen with our lunchboxes-also with a grin of relief plastered on our faces.







Inside the eatery, Retz and I seated at the leftmost part of the huge room. Killua and Gon excused themselves to buy their food at the buffet.

"This seems like another normal day, isn't it?" The blonde asked me with a smirk on her lips. Ugghh, why does she always tease me?

I nodded my head at her, not agreeing to play with her 'game'. "What's with you, Retz. There's not a day where you don't bully me! It's tiring me out, you know!" I sighed, "Have mercy on me, PLEASE."

She laughed surprisingly, "I don't know myself, gal. My day won't be completed without 'conflict'."

Rolling my eyes at her, I just said, "Whatever. You're so confusing, Retz."

Killua and Gon just got back from the buffet with trays in their hands. "Hey girls! What did we miss?"

I waved my hand, "Nothing much. What about you, boys? What did I miss when I was gone?"

Retz joked again, "Ohh, you're asking that? Because I have an answer." Her smile widened. "Well, you missed Killua didn't youuuu~?"

I pinched my bestfriend's cheeks hard, "UUGGGHHH!!! I REALLY HATE YOU, REEEETZ!"

"I love you too, sweetheart!!!" She replied flirtily at me.

"I won't talk to you, EVER AGAIN."

She crossed her arms, taking the challenge, "Hmmph! Fine by me, babe."

We then shook our hands together and looked away from each other like sworn rivals in history. When I glanced at the guys, Gon and Killua were staring at each other as if they have tele....what do you call it? Oh whatever. I'll just call it their "mind powahs."

But I swear, I could almost think they are having a battle-a battle for my heart. Because of what Retz said, Gon seemed a little discouraged now and Killua got the upperhand.

I cleared my throat uncomfortably and told the two

boys, "Let's eat?"

How was I suppose to answer their love confessions at once??

A/N: I KNOW! I KNOW! IT'S SO SHORT RIGHT! But what can I do? I need to make an update for my pretty and handsome readers! I haven't posted a chapter for more than one week. :(( I feel guilty now for letting you down. ಥ_ಥ

......Anyway, what do you think of this chapter? Funny, romantic, whatever. Just vote and comment your thoughts and reactions about this chapt. ^_^

Hugs and kisses for you guys! :*


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