Chapter Four

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Heeeeyy!! It's already in Chapter four!!! >.< WOOHHOOOO!!! Here goooees~

I was about to punch Retz on the face when Rikka just popped in front of her and spread her arms wide. That froze me in my tracks. Oh no...I lost control of myself again...

Rikka was glaring at me, "Now don't you go hurting my friend, Killua! YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH!" She started to get teary and sobbed, "Just stop going after me... P...Please... Ingghh. I don't want to get hurt by you anymore..." Her knees slowly slided down until she was kneeling on the floor with her hands on her eyes.

"Bestie..." her friend started to cry too then she looked at me, pleading. "Killua-san, just give her time to think... I beg of you. Do it for Rikka."

Mom placed her hand on my arm and pulled me out of the scene. "Let's go...."

I turned to look back at the girl I hoped I would meet years later and this is what I see? What's going on? Why is she this mad that I left her before?

"Mom, I'm so sorry for what I did to your daughter. Please forgive me for everything..." I closed my eyes, not wanting to meet her mother in the eyes. 

Then I felt her hug me, "Dear, it's okay. You've done nothing wrong. She just needs space from all this." she smiled at me, "Do that for her alright?"

I nodded, "Okay..."

Rikka's POV 

Early that morning, I walked to school with Retz. 

"You sure you want to come to class today? I can just--" she said to me, worriedly.

Shaking my head, I told her, "It's fine. There's a movie that said, 'Face your fears' right?"

She grinned, "Okay, whatever you say, girl." and winked at me.

It shocked me....Killua's not here today. Is it because...? NO. NO. Stop thinking about him, Rikka. You want this right? That's what my mind says but my wants it to see him.

My chest started to ache.... WHAT DOES IT WANT? I'm sure it doesn't want food...

"Miss Kushina Rikka, did you hear my question?" Leorio-sensei hit the table with his rod which really made me jump out of my wits.

"U...Um, sorry Sir. Can you please repeat it?" I apologized, embarrasingly.

The teacher raised his glasses and said, "Do you know where Mister Zoldyck is?"

I gasped, "Why are you asking me, Sensei?!" This is ridiculous! Of all people, why me?!

He curled a brow, "Well, didn't he say you're his childhood friend? I'm sure you might know his whereabouts."

Looking down, I replied, "I don't know Sir. We aren't that close anymore..." Why does saying those words took every energy in my body?

Leorio-sensei took one last look at me and sighed, "Miss Kushina, if you're having any problems with your err, 'childhood friend' you say?" then he smirked at his students that made them say "YIIEEE". "Just come to me and we'll talk about it, Rikka." 

I didn't know why but I smiled at him, "Sure thing, Sensei." Retz gave me a thumbs-up.

I think I know what I'm going to do later....

As I walked up the steps, I looked at Retz who was encouraging me to go to Killua's house. I pushed the doorbell and bit my lip in frustration. I gripped the handle of my bag tightyl as the door creaked open revealing Illumi, his creepy older brother.

His voice has no "feeling" as usual, "Ohh, long time no see, Rikka." He opened the door wider, as if inviting me to go inside. "Is she your friend?" Illumi was referring to Retz outside.

"About her, she just accompanied me here. She'll go home now." I waved at the blue-eyed girl, "It's all on me now! See you later!" Retz waved back and left.

At the living room, a short-haired girl was there cleaning a white paper fan. (Why does she need that anyway? Is she that hot?)

"Who is she?" I whispered to Illumi. 

He let out what sounded like a laugh, "Kalluto wasn't born yet when we're still here. She's the second to the youngest of the family."

Wow, Uncle Silva sure has a loooot of kids.

"I know what you're thinking." Illumi's mouth formed a little curve on his lips. 

My cheeks turned red, "Oh my, don't think the wrong thing." I walked over to Kalluto and offered a hand, "Hi, I'm Rikka. Nice to meet you."

The girl also didn't show signs of greeting but she also held out her hand and shook it with mine.

"I'm Kalluto...." her voice was tiny and soft but I can assume she's kind.

Illumi folded his arms and asked, "So, what's your business here?"

Ouch, that sounded a little offensive to me.

"Umm, is Killua here?" I inquired to him.

He didn't answer for a minute or two. His sister also was quiet and stopped cleaning her fan to listen to the conversation.

She tugged my blouse and said, "He's not here. Killua onii-san went out to sulk in the park."

Was it just my imagination or Illumi just shoot daggers at his little sister?

Clearing my throat, I rose to leave. "Then I guess I'll look for him there." I patted Kalluto's head, "Thank you for telling me."

Before I could open the front door, a gust of wind blew over me and it revealed another girl with long black hair just like Illumi's.

"You know Killua onii-san?" she asked me, her eyes were...too playful for a child's. "Can you give me that necklace of yours?"

I have a very bad feeling if I give her the necklace that.... I looked at my silver necklace...Killua gave me years before. I felt it warm to my touch.

I felt Illumi's presence behind my back and shook his head as if saying, "Give her the necklace or you're dead by her hands."

The hairs on my arms stood up, "Umm..." I took off the hook from my necklace and gave it to her. "O...Okay..."

She grinned happily, "Goodie! Goodie! Pretty! Pretty!" The little girl took my hand and introduced herself, "I'm Alluka~chan! Let's play together okay? We'll have lots and lots of fun!" Then Alluka pulled me with her to her room.

How can I find Killua now?!

That's all for today, folks. ^_^ I'll update soon, 'kay? JA~NE!!! Oh and please, comment or vote. That'll do. ;)

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