Chapter 59

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A/n: Warning folks. There's language that is unsuitable for very very young audiences. :P

Rikka's POV

"C..Can we rest for a bit? We've been running for hours and I don't even see you as tired as I expected you to be." I wheezed, out of breath. This handsome guy with silvery-white hair was sweating so much but he doesn't appear to be losing energy at all.

He smirked at me, "That's why I told you not to come, right? This is a tiring journey." Killua swiped his hand through his hair which made my cheeks turn red.

Damn, my boyfriend is hotter than me.

"Why are you drooling, Rikka? You hungry?" He licked his bottom lip which made me bite mine too. "'re seriously creeping me out. It's like you want to eat me..."

" bet I want to." I said, barely a whisper.

He laughed out loud, "Jeez Rikka! What is happening to you?! Is the hunger finally getting to your brain?"

I blushed harder, "I..I'm not hungry. C..Come on, let's just go on and rescue Gon." I ran past him with this embarrassed expression plastered on my face. I hate it when he teases me like this.

"Hey," he called out, but I didn't answer him. "Rikka." Killua called again, as he held my hand. "Did I tease too much?"

I nudged my hand away from him, still blushing hard as ever, "Come on, Gon is waiting for us. Let's hurry."


It was a hard journey for Killua. It might not be obvious because he always has this im-the-boss-around-here kind of face.  I noticed the smallest of things from his behavior since Gon was kidnapped: he bites his lip, his eyes on high alert, and his white fists begging to be used. I'm scared of him right now, to be honest. I don't know what to do to calm him down and just say, "Everything's gonna be alright" but it won't be. This isn't a normal kidnapping in for normal people who doesn't have powers like Killua and his minions. 

They were Nen-users as my boyfriend explained.

I sadly smiled at him, suddenly feeling his deep concern for his bestfriend. While walking briskly in a stony surface of a river, I held his hand. Killua turned his head towards me and he flinched in surprise.

"What's the matter? You okay?" he asked immediately, touching my forehead in signs of sickness.

Looking down on the ground, I walked on ahead of him and focused on looking for Gon when finally, the nausea hit me, falling unconscious.

Gon's POV

What time is it again? I absentmindedly wondered in confusion.

As I moved my hands to the side, it hurt so much. I glanced at my wrists and noticed that they were covered with dark purple bruises. Damn, they really hurt a lot. Even my feet lost the will to at least move an inch even if they weren't chained at all.

"W..Water..." my voice croaked hoarsely, teeth chattering in unison. Amazing, it wasn't even cold in the room I was imprisoned but my body was shaking. Maybe I have lost my mind due to the time I was here. I'm sure no one will come to help me. Yeah, I'm used to being along all the time. Rikka left me. Killua is with her. No one loves me.

Keep it together, son. My father's voice echoed somewhere. Man, I badly want to laugh but my throat isn't working with me at the moment. 

"At least Retz does care for me." I murmured under my breath. I'm so tired...of everything.

Closing my eyes, I see Rikka's smiling face at me. "I love you, Gon!"


Even her sweet yes.


My friendship with Killua? What about it?


What did I do wrong to deserve this? Did anyone have a secret grudge on me? Please, I'll apologize my whole life for that forgiveness.

Moisture began to build up in both of my eyes. I was crying for god's sake. If Killua sees this, he'll laugh at me for sure. I laughed at myself for thinking of his name in my mind that instant. It was supposed to be the other way around. I was the one depending on him.

The door gave a loud creak as it opened. I knew it was Retz so I didn't look up just to see her face. 

"Gon." her once sweet and tempting voice turned hard and cold like someone else was there instead of her. I gathered all of my remaining strength and moved my eyes up to her. "Are you still there?"

"I should be the asking you that. Where's Retz, e..even though that's obviously you." My lips trembled as I tried to speak.

She wickedly gave me a smile and stood in front of me, "Such a clever boy. You noticed it!"

I sighed, "Thanks f..for the compliment then."

Before she crouched down to inspect my face, this weird Retz gave my chin a strong kick and I fell on my side, coughing and groaning. "That's for your wrong manners. Never look away when someone is talking!"

"Noted." I spitted blood on the floor, smirking.

"Keep your humor to yourself, boy. You can't even do anything now. For short, you can die easily if I give you the softest of taps." She chuckled evilly, putting her hand under my chin as she looks at me straight in the eye.

"What did you come here for? Make me as a punching bag? Why didn't you inform me earlier?" I joked, but it certainly didn't make her laugh.

She cooed, "Uh-uh, Retz wouldn't like seeing the boy she loves beaten to death, wouldn't she?"

I didn't answer.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" Of all the questions to ask, why that? Please, give me a break!

I raised a brow, "Pardon? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you Retz's brother who is in complete possession of her body right now? Why would you want to kiss me?"

She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes, "It would be...beneficial for my sister here," her fingers pointing to her chest, "and I would need that for a little spell..?" 

"A spell. Now you're playing witch? Oh wait, should I change that to bitch-" 

Retz, a.k.a, Omokage inside her sister's body had shut me up with her disgusting she-he lips. 

The most disgusting thing ever.

A/n: HI THERE! Happy New Year, folks and I hope you would enjoy the first chapter of ATY this year (even if it's disgusting af. ew) 

Gotta go though! See you sooon!


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