Chapter 48

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A/n: I know that I have been updating slower than before. I know that I'm not as inspired as I was before but I'm really trying to write as much as I can. Im reading a lot of books and watching lots of movies as inspiration.

And maybe it's because Hunter x Hunter had already ended that's why I couldn't have any ideas any more. But I always think that Killua will always be in my mind cheering, "Come on Karen. Gambatte!"


Rikka's POV

"Please, don't you dare die on me now." I felt someone kiss the back of my palm. It was warm and tender. Maybe it was Gon but at the same time I was looking for someone else.

There was a blinding light on top of me like the ones I see in the operating room. I in one right now?

"Come on....fight this through. I still have to tell you something important..." the voice whispered gently to me but I couldn't ask why or who is the person talking to me. I didn't have the strength to speak at the moment.

I don't wanna die yet...


The sound of the heart monitor's beeping was the first thing I heard when my eyelids got the urge to open them. I couldn't remember what had happened but I knew that perverted bastard kicked me so hard on my stomach and I lost consciousness.

"Hnn....?" I looked around me to see a brightly lit room. Then beside my bed, there was someone sleeping on the chair. My heart jumped in joy when I saw that it was him. "Killua?"

He flinched a little bit when he heard my voice. With slow movement, Killua brought his head up and his sleepiness was gone when he saw me awake and well. "Rikka!" The young man moved fast towards me and cupped my cheeks in his shaky hands. "Oh god, finally you're here."

My cheeks flushed at his sudden gesture and I removed his hands from my face, "Wa...Water please?" What a good way to change the atmosphere!

He quickly went to the water dispenser with a plastic cup and filled it with cold water to cleanse my throat. "Here." Killua gave it to me and I gulped it all down in one go.

When I finished, I asked, "Where's Gon? What happened to everybody? Did any people get hurt at school? Is Gon okay? Where did that Hisoka guy go?!" My heart rate was beeping so fast that Killua panicked.

"Calm down Rikka! You just woke up!" He held my shoulders in place to make me still. "Take three deep breaths," ordered Killua.

I followed his example and the next second, I calmed down. "Will you tell me what happened after I fainted?"

He sat down on the chair and explained, "When you fainted, Gon told me to get you to the hospital and he'll handle everything else. Leorio texted me that nobody was hurt since everyone evacuated with Kurapika's assistance. As of Hisoka, I think he just....left."

"And Gon?"

Killua seemed to see the worry in my eyes and he sighed, "He..uh...Gon is okay." He pulled out his phone from his pocket and said, "I'll tell him that you're awake so that he can come and visit you."

"Okay..." I muttered silently and he left the room.

Killua's POV

I dialled Gon's number and waited for him to pick up the call.

"Killua? Hi." he greeted me. He sounded tired.

"Oh hello." I greeted back at him. "Rikka's awake now by the way. If you want to see and talk to her, the visiting hours are just until 3 in the afternoon."

He was quiet on the other end like Gon was hesitating if he should come or not. "I'll try Killua. I'm just..I'm not ready to see her cry yet when I break up with her. I know she'll feel bad for me and stuff..."

I smiled sadly and replied, "I can't bear to see her crying too. After all that you guys have been through?" I laughed forcefully, "I think she won't be able to move on from you that fast."

"Yeah. I agree to that." He chuckled. "I think I will need a script for this."

We both laughed at his joke and after a short while, he hung up.

When I returned to Rikka's room, she was fast asleep again. I knew that she was still weak and tired but I really wanted to tell her my feelings. My true feelings.

I sat on the side of her bed and just stared at her even though I could imagine Rikka screaming, What the heck, Killua! Why are you staring at me like a stalker! Go away! Shoo! Shoo!

I smiled at that thought and placed a kiss on her forehead saying, "I love you."


At 2 in the afternoon, Gon arrived with a concerned look on his face despite of Rikka's healthy condition. He kept brushing his palms together and I asked him why he's doing that.

"Oh well, it's so cold in the hospital!" he grinned at me but it didn't reach his eyes at all.

I know you're nervous.

I lightly shook Rikka a bit just to wake her up. She opened her eyes and gave me a narrow smile. Rikka smiled wider when she saw Gon with me.

"You're here!" She spread her arms wide, inviting Gon for a hug. Rikka wanted to kiss him on the cheek but he avoided the contact which made her shocked.

Gon looked at me, signalling to leave them alone since he want to start talking to her now and I just nodded my head good luck to him.

Gon's POV

"Rikka, how are you doing?" I asked her nicely and normally as I could.

"I'm doing great! Although, I'm still pissed off at that teacher. Look!" She pointed to her neck, "He gave me a hickey!"

My blood boiled at the sight but I calmed down since...I don't have the right now. I'm not her boyfriend anymore. "I see. But don't worry. That'll disappear in a few days."

She seemed surrpised, "You're not mad that he marked me?"

"Why would I be? C'mon, that's a minor problem." I laughed nervously and she did the same too.

This is now a good time to tell her.

"So umm, Rikka. I have to talk to you about something."

She held my hand in hers, grinning, "Sure! What is it?"

I squeezed her hand a little tighter. I stood up and gave her a longing goodbye kiss. I could tell that she has no idea about what's happening at the moment.

"G..Gon? What's the matter? What are you doing-" I cut her off by kissing her once more then I hugged her close to me as we breathed for air.

I whispered on her ear when I caught my breath, "I want to break up with you..."


And sorry again for updating so late. :'( I've never been this busy!! LIKE EVEEER. >____<

Oh well, anyway. I gotta go cuz I'm studyiing (despite summer vacation. i cri) BYE GUUYS!

Question: If you were in Rikka's place and Gon told you that, what would you say?

b) I really loved Killua from the very start. I really had fun with you. Can we still be friends after this?
c) Okay. Bye.


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