Chapter 31

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A/N: Omg, I just read Water Fall, the second volume of Teardrop and i could just cry tears of joy cuz it was a good satisfying ending. :)) Have you guys seen that book in your nearby bookstores? :D It's really cool!

Aaaaaand, imma update now. :D Enjoy! Or maybe not... O.o


Rikka's POV


It was already 6 PM and my duties were done. I was taking here longer because I am still talking with Gon. And he really needed the reply now.

I made up my mind and this was my answer. I'm not going to turn around and cry over my decision. At least Gon didn't do anything to make me feel bad but Killua did and I had enough of those.

For a second, Gon didn't budge in his spot as if he was frozen there for eternity. I could hear him take breaths like his brain is processing the current situation. "Rikka, please slap me if I'm dreaming..."

I did slap him.

"OW! NOT THAT HARD!" He placed a hand on his throbbing cheek and massaged it.

"Well, you told me to do it." I giggled playfully at him and he just gazed at me dreamily.

"So like...this is all real?" asked Gon, who still can't believe that it's true. Maybe he just didn't expect it at all.

I nodded as a response. "If you don't believe it, then I'll just leave. Byeeeee—" I was about to open the door when he pulled me back, his hand wrapped around my wrist.

"No! No! That's not what I mean..." He ruffled his spiky hair as he crouched on the ground but still holding my wrist and I was standing still. "I just....I..I'm happy, you know? Ugh...I never felt this shy in my whole life..."

"Why? Have you asked a girl out before?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. Once when I was still twelve..." he quickly replied and he added shortly after. "But she's older—"

I laughed loudly, "YOU WERE TWELVE?! Oh my god, Gon. You're a womanizer aren't you?!" I continued bursting out laughing while he just crouched there in embarrassment. Maybe his face is super duper red right now.

"Come on...don't bully me. It's unfair..." He mumbled shyly and I can't help chuckling again. So he abruptly pulled me down with him as I stood on my knees.

Ugh...there's this awkward silence again.

"Rikka." he called out, raising his head a little higher and I could see his cute brown eyes. But there was this happy glow in them that I can't make out. Gon asked, "Can I have those now?"

I raised a brow curiously, "Huh? Have what?"

Everything happened so fast and this time, it was my turn to process everything.

He jerked towards me, pulling the back of my head towards him and I lost balance but he caught me fast by holding me steady on my waist. Before I knew it, I was leaning on him and his lips have already captured mine.

Fireworks... I feel the fireworks.

He broke the kiss as our eyes stared at each other. The silence wasn't making me feel uneasy anymore. Instead, it was very comforting now.

Gon carressed my cheek and pushed a strand of my hair away from my eyes saying the magical words to me, "Daisuki, Rikka."

Our foreheads touched and it gave an electric feeling between us. I can't believe I'm loving this.

"I love you too..." I whispered to him, his face leaning in again, giving me a light peck on the lips.

Gon's face was so radiant I hardly knew him now. He grinned like a child the same as those in the pictures at his home. "I love you three."

We both laughed and hugged each other.

Retz's POV

I was brainstorming for our theme at the festival and all my classmates still haven't thought of one or it's just because...they are too lazy to do it. Especially Killua.

My phone vibrated on my table and I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Retz-chaaaan! What do I do with the finished poster and where do I put it after?" my female classmate wailed on the other line. She was really panicking too much.

I sighed and chuckled as cutely as I can, "Just put it inside the classroom then it's all on me, okay? Oh and did you put the glitters on it?"

"I forgot!" I could imagine her doing a facepalm, "I'll do it right away! Thanks Retz-chan! I'll hang up now." she said goodbye and ended the call.

I want to go to Rikka's house right now but I'm scared of what she might say. What do I do now?

I looked up the ceiling and gave a long sigh. I'm not only thinking of the festival but also thinking of ways on how to make Rikka forgive me for...kissing the guy he liked for years.

The question is, does she still even like him because of my mistake?

Shaking my head and clearing all these negative thoughts, I just cheered myself on and continued designing our haunted theme for the festival.

I'll apologize to Rikka at the day of the festival. I'm sure she'll forgive me because...because....

Now that I think about it, I can't think of a reason why she'll forgive me. It's not like I did anything wrong in our childhood but...I was a weakling before and she used to protect me all the time.

Maybe it will not be easy to make her forgive me and her trust for wavered now. I think she won't tell me her secrets like she usually does... Thinking about it, I feel really guilty and sad. What made think of kissing Killua anyway?! I'm so stupid! Baka Retz!

"I miss Rikka-chan..." I mumbled, one tear escaping in the corner of my eye.

A/N: Hello there guys! I got no time cuz I'm reading Hibi Chouchou! *pants* *pants* I gotta go now! Ja~ne! But before that..

Question: Do you think in some ways, Retz can be pitiful?


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