Chapter 47

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A/n: KONNICHIWA MINNAAAAAA. Gomen for not updating for a month! >____< GOMEEEENASAAAAIII

I'll make it up to you by making this chapter long enough. ^_____^

WARNING: There may be some cursing and other stuff.


Rikka's POV

"Would you mind bringing this to my desk at the teachers' office, Rikka-san?" asked Kurapika-sensei, who just announced that school was finished.

But all the students are shaking in fear because finally, the exams are tomorrow so school hours would only be until 12 noon.

"Sure, sensei." I laid out my arms wide as he gave me a thick pile of paperwork. Looks like he'll be incredibly busy later. He slided the door open for me and I was on my way to his office when I passed by Killua and Retz's classroom. It looks they have extended their lesson before lunchtime.

When I glanced at the room, Killua and Retz were whispering to each other. Especially when it looks like they are secretly flirting with each other and it pissed me off big time.

Looks like you're enjoying the view, Rikka-san.

"Huh?" I turned around to see anyone there but there wasn't a single person to be seen. I shook my head and continued walking. Maybe I was just hearing things because I'm too tired reviewing last night.

Don't you think that you and Killua should be flirting instead of Retz? It's so unfair right?

I stopped moving. No, I was definitely not hallucinating now. There really is a voice coming from somewhere...somewhere but not where I can see it. I only hear it.

"Whoever you are, drop it. It isn't funny anymore. If you want to prank someone, do it to some other person." I talked to it like we're buddies or something.

This time, the weird voice didn't say anything else and by the time I walked along, I have arrived in the teachers' office and knocked twice despite of my full hands because I was carrying bunch of paper.

A few seconds later, I heard footsteps approaching the door and I straightened my back like a soldier. I gulped down my nervousness and put on a greeting smile.

"How may I help you~?" A tall man appeared when the door was open and he was really creepy-looking.

"Uhh..Uh.." My confidence was lost because there was this evil atmosphere around him.

Oh well, damn it.

Killua's POV

Is it just me or someone I know is somewhat...close to me?

"Killua-kun, are you even listening?" pouted Retz, whose condition had gotten better than the last time she was so thin and pale.

I leaned my chin on my palm, "What were you saying again?"

She frowned and faced the blackboard, "Whatever. I got tired of speaking."

Somehow, I don't mind Retz being by my side. It just feels like...someone knows my pain—the pain of watching someone you love drift away to another person, especially if that person is close to me.

"Okay, guys. Time for your lunch break. Class dismissed!"  announced our teacher, who arranged his folders and books properly.

All of us students stood up and bowed to the teacher before leaving the classroom. Retz came with me and I didn't really care if Rikka and Gon would see us together now.

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