Chapter 28

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A/N: You're probably super mad about the last chapter so for you guys, I'm posting another. :D MINNA DAISUKI! *throws kisses to all of you*

Merry Christmas minna!

Killua's POV

Everything slowed down. The students were walking like turtles. The way Rikka turned her head at us was taking millions of hours!

Retz's lips were still on me. I wanted to push her away but it would look mean.

But because Rikka has already planted her gaze on us, I got no choice but to go with the flow. I was embarrassed at her seeing me like this. She knew I like her.

"My god, I'm so sorry Killua-san. It was an accident." gasped Retz with fake guilt. She was an open book and I can see through her intentions.

I glanced at Rikka who was already quickly pacing down the hallway. Behind her, Gon was following and it just means, he also saw everything just now.

"What are you doing, Retz?" I asked her sternly, grabbing her shoulders.

"Wh..What do you mean?" She replied innocently as she could.

"DON'T CHANGE THE TOPIC!" I yelled right in front of her face. I hissed at her, "Whatever you are planning, it won't work, Retz..."

She clenched her fist and stomped away from me.

That stupid woman.

Rikka's POV

What was Killua doing with Retz? I saw them kissing at the hallway. Something just pierced through my heart like an arrow going through it's target. And no matter how I tried to remove this feeling, it was still there.

"Rikka-san," said Gon who was catching up with me. "Did you see—"

I answered it immediately, "Yes, I saw it." I tried to walk faster as if I wanted to escape reality. Why was I this furious? It's not like Killua and I have a relationship, right?

"A..Are you alright?"

Nodding, I sat down on a table far back at the canteen so Retz and Killua won't see me. "Don't worry about it, Gon. I'm alright." I flashed him a smile as I started eating my food.

Weird... Gon didn't bring any lunch today.

"Are you going to eat?"

He said no with a smile, "Nah. Not that hungry anyway."

As soon as he said that, my stomach knotted tight.

Thanks a lot, Gon...

I put the lid on my lunchbox and stopped eating. 

"W..Wait, I thought you were hungry?" he stuttered as he asked.

"Thanks to you, I lost my appetite." I laughed continuously. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly, "Umm..thanks for making me feel better, Gon."

His tanned skin looked weird with red at the moment, "N..No problem!" He scratched the back of his head, "Ha-ha-ha, just doing my job." Gon stood up and led me a hand, "Shall we go, Rikka?"

After The Years || KILLUA ZOLDYCK ✔Where stories live. Discover now