Chapter 52

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A/n: Should I like...hurry this story up? Cuz i dont it too slow for you guys? In other words, should I end this?


Rikka's POV

Two months later, I was finally discharged from the hospital early that morning.

My mom picked me up so that I could prepare for school since I missed all the lessons and I really needed to catch up.

As expected also, Killua didn't keep his word about leaving me alone from now on. To be honest? I think he's being too clingy for the past few weeks...

When we arrived home, I quickly went to my closet to get my uniform and packed all my stuff inside my school bag. While doing so, Mom prepared my home-made lunch and laid it on the top of the table at the living room so I could see it before leaving.

"Killua's outside, dear. I think he's gonna walk with you to school." She said to me, obviously charmed by his good actions.

I rolled my eyes and put on my shoes, sliding the door close, "I'm off, mom!" then I saw him, leaning on our gate and reading a book in his hands.

When he heard me approaching, he put his book back in his bag and gave me a smile, which made my heart flutter weirdly. "Did you eat, Rikka?"

I walked pass him and said, "Oh, I didn't know that you don't use honorifics anymore to call me, Killua-san."

His jaw dropped open and his eyes widened too, "U..Umm, alright. Anyway, Rikka-san, have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"I have eaten already." I answered shortly and the both of us didn't talk anymore along the way.


Where's Gon?

"Bro, I saw this awesome headphones yesterday and-" I heard someone talking and my head turned to the sound of the person's voice.

"Rikka, if you're looking for him, I suggest you stop it. He's moving on from you." whispered Killua from behind me.

I glared at him, gritting my teeth, "Shut up..." I got a glimpse of Gon's spiky hair and I immediately walked forward to meet him but a strong grip on my wrist kept from doing so.

"Rikka...." His voice was warning me not to go to Gon. "Please...let him be." His blue eyes pleaded to me.

Tears pooled, "I just wanna know if he's fine..."

His hand held mine gently and said, "He's doing okay. I'm sure of it and I can promise you that. Just give him some space for now, alright?" Killua pulled me with him.

I didn't know that it was the first step that I'll walk away from Gon, my first ever boyfriend who I treasured so dearly.

Killua's POV

Now I just need to make Retz and Rikka get back together. I have to make up for my mistakes.

"Say Rikka-san, " I still added that honorific at the end so she won't get mad at me anymore, "Wanna grab a drink before going to our classrooms?"

She didn't say anything but Rikka absentmindedly followed me to the vending machine. "I'm sure you want the chocolate flavor-Oh hi Retz." I pretended to be surprised when she suddenly came towards us.

"H.Hi Killua." She shyly greeted to me then to Rikka who didn't pay her any attention, "Hi Rikka-chan..."

Instead, Retz got the silent treatment from Rikka.

I broke the ice and said, "C'mon Rikka. Say HI to your bestfriend."


I gave Retz a look that I got this. "Haha...sorry Retz. Looks like Rikka-san is just in a very bad mood. Wanna join us for lunch later?"

Retz smiled sadly, "Sure. Bye guys." And she left.

Out of nowhere after Retz left , Rikka asked, "Aren't you together with Retz?"

Oh shoot, I forgot that Retz and I were pretending to be lovers!

I scratched the back of my head, "Ahh, about that, we broke up days ago." Phew, I hope that works.

She fiddled with her brown hair and hummed a song I didn't know. I just listened to her soft voice, waiting for the bell to ring to signal us to go to our classrooms.

"I see...." Rikka replied minutes later, then here it was, the bell rang loudly throughout the school that it made my ears cringe.

We both threw our soda cans on the trash bin and I gently told her, "Meet up later after school? I'll take you home."

I noticed that she looked away with bright red cheeks. I didn't know why she looked like that but it was really cute to be true.


A smile appeared on my face, waving at her, "See ya then."

Rikka briskly walked away without saying goodbye to me,

which was completely okay with me.

Retz's POV

Now that Rikka and Gon broke off their relationship, what's my next plan? I'm sure Killua has told Rikka that he and I broke up also.

My plan is going well as I thought.

Are you happy, imouto?

"Yes, I am very happy, onii..." I silently talked to myself with a big grin on my mouth.

Good to know you are. I only wish what's best for you.

"I know you do, onii."

Do you have any idea what to do next?

"I only want Gon to love me now. To notice as his woman. I want him to look at me the way he does to Rikka." I sadly explained to Omokage, my brother.

Is that all?

"If that happens, then I won't ask for anything more." My voice broke.

Then it shall be done.


did anybody watch Hellsing already? or Hellsing Ultimate? CUZ IM WATCHING IT AND ITS HELLA AWESOME. >____<


Question 1: Should I end or continue this story? Is it too long for you now?

Question 2: Can you feel the tension between Rikka and Killua despite this being just a fanfiction? Can you really imagine the characters in this book to be alive in your imaginative world?


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