【Chapter 2】

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I was woken up by the annoying sound of my alarm.

I groaned as I tried to reach it to turn the damn thing off but I ended up throwing it on the floor and it smashed.

"Looks like I'm going to need to buy a new alarm" I said to myself.

I pushed myself out of my nice warm comfy bed and got up because I had decided to enrol in the local high school today to look like a normal human.

After I had made my bed I tiredly walked over to my bathroom and turned the shower on. I proceeded to rid myself of my pyjamas and then stepped into the shower.

I sighed at the warm water hit my skin.

After I had washed my hair, and myself I wrapped a towel around my body and switched the shower back off.

Once I had dried my hair and put some make up on I got dressed in the outfit I had chosen for today:

Once I had dried my hair and put some make up on I got dressed in the outfit I had chosen for today:

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(A/N everyone complained about the last outfit so I changed it lol)

Once I made sure I looked perfect I ran downstairs using my speed and grabbed a blood bag from the fridge.

Once I had sucked it dry I threw it in the bin and grabbed my school bag.
I walked outside to pick a car.

I decided to take the black Lamborghini today, no point trying to blend in. Small town probably doesn't get many new people so I'll be the topic of conversation amongst most people.

As I was driving to school I noticed some more expensive cars go past me. Huh. There's fellow rich people here, strange. I bet this town doesn't have many people with big loads of money.

I parked my car in the school lot and got out, I felt everyone's eyes on me but I just smirked and kept my head forward. I almost stopped walking when I caught whiff of two really nice scents. Not the kind I would want to suck dry but the kind I would want to love and protect which is really weird.

I mean I've heard of vampires having soulmates but everyone that I know hasn't met theirs yet. Except Stefan and Elena which is really annoying because Stefan wouldn't tell me how he knew but I think I know now.

I really wanted to look around but I managed to resist the urge.

I walked towards the front office where I saw a kind looking lady behind the desk.

"Hello I'm Andrea Mikaelson I'm new." I greeted the woman.

She looked up and me and smiled, I could tell it wasn't one of those fake smiles it was a really kind motherly smile.

"Hello! I don't seem to have any documents about a new student" she said confused.

"Look again. You have everything you need" I compelled her.

I watched as she looked around her desk at nothing and smiled back up at me.

"Yes of course I have everything! Here is your timetable. Have a good day" she handed me the sheet and I walked away to find my locker.

Once I had found it I unlocked it using the combination on my timetable and placed my bag inside because there was no way I was carrying that around with me all day.

I had English first so I started to walk to the designated classroom, once I had gotten there I saw that most of the students were there already. I could smell that sweet comforting smell again but decided to ignore it.

I stepped inside and stood next to the teachers desk. He looked up and saw me.

"Ah. You must be the new student. Andrea Mikaelson?" He asked me with a friendly smile.

"Yes that's me." I said, my British accent catching a lot of people's attention.

"Ok you can sit at the back next to miss hale" he pointed towards a gorgeous looking woman with long blonde hair and white pale skin.

I locked eyes with her and my breath hitched, she's my mate. Fuck. Honestly I didn't even know I liked girls. I may be over 1000 but this is really confusing.

I gave her a friendly smile and sat next to her.

"Hi I'm Rosalie. You can call me rose." She introduced herself even though I knew her name because the teacher just told me.

"I'm Andrea but you can call me drea if you like" I told her softly.

I reached over the desk to get my pen that I placed there but I accidentally brushed my hand with hers; I almost flinched at how cold she was.

There's no way she's human but I've never seen anything like her before.

She's pale, gold eyes, freezing and her skin was really hard.

I'll have to ask Elijah about them later.

I'll have to ask Elijah about them later

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Soulmates of an original (Rosalie and Emmett ) Where stories live. Discover now