【Chapter 62】

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2 more months passed and it was Christmas, I never usually celebrate the holiday as my family doesn't really see the significance of it after living for a long time, but I've made the decision to start celebrating it because of renesmee and my future child.

Since the other vampires we're occupying the Cullens house, we decided to have Christmas at my house which had been renovated to turn some of the pointless rooms that I had into bedrooms. I had a few rooms that I used for storage.

I now have enough room for everyone, some people have to share but they were alright with it considering it was only for one night.

I'm now six months pregnant and my bump has grown quite a bit.

I smiled softly as my mates both ran their hands along my stomach feeling the small kicks. The baby started kicking about a month ago now. I can most defiantly tell that the baby seems to have some extra strength as they've already broken a few of my ribs, but since I heal fast I don't really mind.

"Do you guys want to find out the gender?" Rosalie asked breaking me from my thoughts.

I smiled and nodded.
"Yes. I don't like not being prepared for something this big. I need to be able to buy cute little Rosalie outfits if they're a girl and some cute mini Emmett outfits if they're a boy" I said making Rose and Emmett laugh.

"I would love to find out the gender too" Emmett said kissing my lips softly.

"We should get Carlisle to find out" Rosalie said.

"Tomorrow. Because it's Christmas today and we should spend it opening presents and eating and watching Christmas movies!" I told them smiling widely.

"Baby we can't eat" Emmett pouted and I laughed.

"Yes you can. I compelled the staff to make the food with animal blood for you guys so they you can consume it" I told them and they smiled at the thought of eating again.

"Finally! I've missed food" Emmett grinned.

I was about to say something but our door burst open and renesmee ran in and jumped on our bed.

"Come on! Get up! Let's go open presents!!" She yelled bouncing in the bed.

We all laughed at her excitement and I grabbed her by the waist pulling her towards me, I started tickling her making her giggle.

"Auntie Ree! Stop" she giggle.

"Alright come on let's go open presents" I told her and she cheered grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the door.

"GET UP! PRESENT TIME!!" I yelled out to the house waking up my siblings, the Cullens were awake obviously.

We walked downstairs and Nessie ran straight to the large tree with a lot of presents on it. There were also quite a lot of presents on the couch too.

"Wait" I told her and she nodded.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed 3 bin bags for the wrapping paper and brought them in the living room. I saw that everyone had joined us downstairs.

We all proceeded to open our presents.

Elijah got some new books, suits, socks, laptop and some chocolates.

Nik got some new clothes, some art supplies and a small stuffed wolf that I had gotten him as a joke.

Kol got some old cursed objects and some very old spell books that he likes to look over, he also got some new clothes and a few torture weapons that we didn't let renesmee see.

Rebekah got a lot of new clothes and jewellery and wine.

Caroline got a few pieces of jewellery and a new phone since she kept complaining about hers.

Hayley got some baby clothes since the baby was due in a weeks time, she also got some new clothes and jewellery.

Carlisle got some old books with lots of information about our kind of vampire and all the other creatures out there. He also got some new medical equipment.

Esme got some new recipe books and some cooking equipment, clothes, perfume and jewellery.

Edward got some new music records, some books and new clothes. He also got a handmade Christmas card from Nessie.

Jasper got some cowboy books from me. I got them as a joke but he actually liked them. He also got some cologne and new clothes.

Alice got some new clothes, jewellery, drawing supplies and a camera because she has taken up the hobby of photography.

Emmett got a new watch from me and some new clothes from Rosalie. He also got some cologne and some new video games.

Rosalie got some new lingerie from Emmett and I which we didn't let renesmee see. She also got some new clothes and jewellery.

Renesmee got some new dolls, a doll house, a trampoline which we haven't put up yet. Some new clothes and some child's makeup.

I got some lingerie from Emmett and Rosalie and I also got some new clothes, chocolate, baby clothes and some stuffed animals for the baby. Some perfume and jewellery and a new watch.

After we had unwrapped the presents Edward helped me tidy up the wrapping paper and throw it away. Renesmee started playing with her new toys whilst everyone else put all of their new things away.

Everyone got dressed and ready for dinner.
Esme helped cook some of the dinner along with the compelled staff, they placed plates of food down for the Cullens which had animal blood in. They also poured some animal blood in a glass.

My family had normal food along with some red wine and Nessie also had normal food but we added a little blood to her orange juice.

Once everyone was finished eating we cleaned up and lounged on the couch.

Klaus and Caroline sat cuddled together.
Elijah and Hayley sat together.

Rebekah and Edward both sat together with Renesmee sprawled out across their laps.
Esme and Carlisle sat cuddled together next to Jasper and Alice.

Emmett sat next to me with Rosalie on is left, and Kol sat on my other side. I decided to lean on my brother who put his arm around me, he was obviously sad that Jane wasn't here with him.

I put on Santa paws as our first movie. We were then going to watch the grinch and then the home alone movies.

Once we had finished our move marathon it was 3am so Edward carried Nessie, who was fast asleep up to bed.

We all then went to our respective rooms and fell asleep. Well the nightwalker vampires as well as Nessie fell asleep whilst the Cullens stayed up.

A/N ngl whilst I was writing this chapter I may have listened to Christmas songs 🤭 ik it's bad luck

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A/N ngl whilst I was writing this chapter I may have listened to Christmas songs 🤭 ik it's bad luck. I feel Christmassy now and it's not even Halloween yet.

Which is your favourite holiday? Mines Halloween!

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