【Chapter 57】

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A month later and like Carlisle predicted renesmee grew. She looks about 6 now, we had to buy her all new things again. Apart from the toys. But we bought her new clothes and a new bed.

It was nearly Christmas so it had been snowing a lot, I decided go take renesmee on a walk in the snow. Jacob decided to come along to since he didn't really want to leave renesmee.

I picked out Nessie's outfit for the day which was some grey boots, black cotton tights and a long grey wool shirt. I then put a off white jacket on top with a cute grey hat.

"What do you think?" I asked Nessie as I held her in front of the mirror.

"Pretty" she said indicating to me and I laughed.

"Thanks sweetie but I was wondering what you thought about your outfit" I told her and she looked at her clothes.

"I look good! Let's go get jakey" she said grabbing my hand leading me downstairs.
We saw Jake waiting at the door and he smiled at us.

"Hi jakey!" Nessie greeted him.

"Hey Ness" he greeted her back holding out his hand.

She then grabbed my other hand as we walked outside. We walked into the forest, a few times on our walk Nessie would stop to play in the snow.

"Wolfie! Please" Nessie said to Jacob using the puppy eyes that I had taught her making him sigh.

"Fine" he said before walking away from us and phasing into his giant puppy self.

"Yay!" She clapped walking over to him and stroking his head.

We walked out into a clearing where she ran around playing in the snow, I kept thinking about how fast she's ageing, I don't want to watch her grow old and die.

"Look a snowflake!" Nessie squealed running over to me and showing me the small white dot in her hand. I smiled at her.

"It's beautiful, why don't you go get another one?" I asked her and she nodded running off.

She jumped up to catch the snowflakes when I smelt a familiar scent. Nessie obviously sensed the new person because she froze mid air and then dropped down, running over to me.

"Who's that?" Nessie asked me as Jacob moved to our side.

"I think that's one of your dads cousins" I told her before facing in the direction of the blonde.
"Irina!" I yelled trying to get her to come towards us but she just looked at me in sadness and betrayal and shook her head.

She sped away making me confused.

"That was strange. Let's go home" I told Nessie who climbed onto Jacobs back.

We walked back to the Cullens house and I took Nessie's jacket and boots off as she ran off to find her dad. I walked off to find Carlisle to tell him about Irina.

I knocked on his office door.
"Come in!" He called.

I walked inside and he gave me his attention.
"What's wrong Andrea?" He asked taking in my confused and worried expression.

"On our walk. I saw Irina but she looked at me with anger when I tried to get her to come over to us" I told him and he pulled a confused face before walking out of his office. I followed him downstairs where he grabbed the house phone and dialled the Denalis number.

I allowed him to talk on the phone in private whilst I sat in the living room and waited for him to finish. Soon Rosalie and Emmett joined me making me smile as they both kissed me before sitting down with myself in the middle.

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