【Chapter 8】

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A/N I know that this isn't how the actual plot goes but just go with it :)

I walked with rose and Emmett towards their car where the rest of the cullens were.

Once we got there Alice started taking to me about fashion which I didn't mind considering I love fashion myself.

Suddenly we all heard the screeching of tires, I turned and saw a van heading straight for Isabella.

I shrugged and tried to go back to the conversation with Alice but she was watching the incident.

Suddenly a gust of wind went past me and towards the small lanky human.

My mouth dropped when I realised it was not wind but it was actually edweirdo.

Yep. He actually just exposed his family.

I rushed over to my car saying a quick goodbye to rose and drove home ready to tell Damon the gossip about what just happened.

I could tell rose was absolutely fuming about the whole situation and because of Edward their family is now at risk of exposure. I know what the volturi will do to the cullens if Isabella is to find out the secret.

But I won't let that happen.
They wouldn't dare go against me.

A/N sorry I'm taking so long to update! But i will be updating again this week and I'm going to try to update it more frequently

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A/N sorry I'm taking so long to update! But i will be updating again this week and I'm going to try to update it more frequently. And sorry for the small chapter it's just a filler.

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