【Chapter 28】

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A/N sorry I haven't updated in 2 days! But here's some smut to make up for it :)

Rosalie and Emmett have been in mystic falls for about a week now and there was still no signs of my mother but Nik has got a lead on Finn.

Emmett surprisingly gets on with Nik and Rosalie unsurprisingly gets on with Rebekah.
They went shopping together the other day and I got dragged along. I don't really like shopping that much but it was fun.

Apparently sage is back. I haven't seen her myself because I've tried to keep out of the drama but Rebekah has seen her and says she's still a whorish bitch, so I'd rather not bump into her.

Rebekah and Nik had gone out to find Finn whilst my mates and I stayed inside. I sat with them on my bed watching a movie on the large flatscreen tv that was on the wall.

I smiled mischievous got up suddenly and straddled Emmett who smirked up at me, his eyes shining with lust.

⚠️Smut Warning⚠️

I looked over at Rose who was biting her lip watching us and I took my shirt off. Emmett let out a groan as he saw I wasn't wearing a bra.

I leant towards him and kissed him desperately on the lips. We haven't had sex since before they left forks, I need them.

I parted his legs and started to work on his belt buckle. I grabbed the hem of his jeans and his boxers together and slid them off his legs. I moaned as I saw his throbbing cock.

Emmett took off his shirt and lay down further on the bed, I looked over at Rose who had discarded her clothes and was pouting at me.

I smirked and motioned to Emmett's face and she immediately crawled towards him and straddled his face. I heard him groan as he tasted her.

I grasped his cock making his hips buck into my hand, I stroked him a few times before leaning down and placing the tip in my mouth and sucked.

He let out a strangled noise and I moved my mouth further down his length till I reached the base and I swallowed; not gagging.

I could hear Rose moaning in the background as Emmett lapped at her pussy.

I moved my mouth up and down as his trusted his hips into me. Just as he was about to slip over the edge I stopped and pulled back.

He pulled his face away from rose's core and glared at me.
"What the hell?!" He growled but before he could say more I straddled him and sunk down on his length letting out a long moan.

His head fell back as he felt my warmth elope his cock.

I bounced up and down moaning as his cock stroked my g-spot. I sped up as I felt my release approaching.

I heard Rose let out a loud moan and I locked eyes with her as she came. She lent forwards and kissed me passionately, as I moaned into her mouth.

I suddenly clenched around Emmett and came, he groaned as he felt my walls fluttering around him.

I worked myself through the orgasm and got off of his cock letting it slip out of me. Rosalie then replaced me and slipped his cock into her pussy as she moaned.

I watched them both feeling myself getting more wet, Emmett saw me just watching.
"Come sit baby" he told me motioning to his face and I quickly did as he said.

I felt his tongue immediately slide into my pussy and I cried out.
"Oh god"

His hands grabbed onto my waist as he flattened out his tongue so that it stroked my clit. His hand suddenly landed on my ass, hard.
I moaned and moved against his tongue grinding my hips and riding his face.

I saw that Rose was close so I lent forwards a little and my hand found her clit, she cried out as she came around Emmett's cock, which caused Emmett to come inside of her.

I road his face faster as Rosalie slid off of his cock and straddled his chest, she cupped both of my breasts in her hands and started kneading the flesh and playing with my nipples.

Just as I was about to come she lent forwards and her mouth latched onto my nipple and she sucked.
"Fuck" I cried out and came on Emmett's face.

I got off of him and lay down beside him as Rosalie lay down on the other side of me.

⚠️Smut over⚠️

I breathed in heavily as I snuggled into Rosalie's side as Emmett wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"I love you" I told them starting to fall asleep.

"I love you too" they both responded.

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