【Chapter 36】

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Well then... everything that's happened in the last few hours has been a little dramatic if you ask me. Alice called and started scolding Rosalie on the phone.

Apparently the blood bag isn't dead... I know it's so disappointing. Alice had a vision that Edward wanted to die too so he went to the volturi, Bella ran after him and now the kings know that Bella knows about us. Which is just fucking perfect because now we have to turn her. I know for a fact that she will be turned because nobody in the family will kill her.

Except for maybe Rosalie and I.

After we got the news of Bella being alive we all got on a plane and headed back to forks, they aren't back from Italy yet so we're all just unpacking all of our stuff. I travelled over to my house in forks to put my things there that I'll probably unpack later.

I then went back to the cullens house, I sped straight upstairs and into Rosalie and Emmett's room. I couldn't see Emmett anywhere but I saw Rosalie sitting on the bed looking nervous, I frowned.

I sat down next to her and took her hand.
"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I want to tell you how I was turned" she said not making eye contact which immediately gave me the information that it was probably a traumatic experience.

"You don't have to tell me, but if you really want to just know that anything you say will not make me think of you differently" I reassured her and she let out a breath.

"My human life was... absolutely perfect" she started and I made comforting circles on the back of her hand.
"There were things I still wanted, to be married with a nice house and a husband to kiss me when he came home. A family of my own" she explained and I frowned knowing that she would never be able to have any of those things... well we could adopt in the future but I know it's not the same as carrying the baby.

"Royce king was the most eligible bachelor in town, I barely knew him. But I was young, I was in love with the idea of love. On the last night of my life I left a friends house late, I wasn't far from home. Royce had been drinking with a few of his friends and he called me over in the street. When I reached them the men he was with started making comments about taking my clothes off..." she explained and I clenched my jaw in anger.

"I tried to get away but... I won't give you the details. They left me in the street thinking I was dead. Believe me, I wanted to be. Carlisle found me. He smelled all the blood, thought he was helping me." She told me leaning into me for comfort. Forgetting my anger for the minute I embraced her.

I let a few tears slide down my cheek.
"You're so strong Rosie. I'm sorry that happened to you, please tell me they died a horrible painful death" I said to her and she laughed a little.

"I got my revenge" she told me and I kissed her softly making her smile.

"One at a time. I saved Royce for last so he'd know I was coming, I was a little theatrical back then" she said and I smiled.

"Good." I stated and pulled her into my side as Emmett came in the room smiling sadly at Rose obviously having heard everything.

He sat down on the other side of her and we both hugged her giving her comfort.

"I'm glad I found you both" she told us sincerely.

"We'd never hurt you or allow you to get hurt Rose" Emmett said to her kissing rosie softly.

"And anyone who would dare hurt you would face the wrath of an original" I told her and she smiled at me.

Suddenly Alice came in the room, I didn't even notice she was back.
"Sorry to interrupt but Bella wants us to gather in the living room" she said and I rolled my eyes.

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