【Chapter 59】

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When we reached the house I noticed that there were a lot of new vampire scents. The vampires all looked at me in shock when I walked into the house making me grin.

"You've heard of me?" I asked them and most of them nodded.
"Fantastic" I grinned.

Rosalie shook her head at me and sped forwards kissing me, Emmett then walked over to us and kissed me in greeting.

"3 mates?!" I heard someone exclaim.

"That's so rare!"

After most of the new vampires had been introduced I walked off to find Carlisle. I knocked on his office hearing a small 'come in' from the other side of the door. I walked in and sat down.

"Carlisle?" I asked him and he looked up at me.

"Yes Drea?" He asked.

"Can you give me a scan please" I asked and his eyes went wide.

"Are you?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I've been feeling sick and tired lately. And when Rosalie, Emmett and I went away for a month we were actually with a witch trying to have a baby and she said it might take a while to actually show up so I just wanted to check" I told him and he gulped.

He nodded and lead me through into the room where all of Bella's medical things were left over.

I climbed onto the bed and lifted up my shirt, Carlisle put some of the cold gel on my stomach and used the device.

"Well..." he trailed off in shock.

I looked at the screen he had turned so that I could see it and sure enough there was a small shape of a baby making me gasp in shock.

"By the looks of it you are about 3 months" he told me making me shocked even more.

"But I took a pregnancy test 2 months ago and it was negative!" I protested.

"Maybe it just took a little longer to show up" he shrugged and printed off 3 scans.
"I thought you might want a couple to tell Rosalie and Emmett with" he said smiling.

He cleaned off the gel and I pulled my shirt down.

"Pregnant..." I trailed off my hand finding its way to my relatively flat stomach.


I walked into Rosalie, Emmett and I's room and pulled out my phone scrolling to my older brothers contact I pressed call.

"Hello little sister" klaus greeted me making me smile.

"Hey Nik" I greeted him back.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Is the whole family with you?" I asked them.

"No but they're in the house would you like me to get them?" He asked worriedly.

"Please" I agreed listening to him shout on the other side of the phone.

"Alright we're all here" he said.

"I need your help" I told them.

"What with sister?" I heard Elijah ask.

"My mates family. They are in danger, their kinds vampire royalty have put us under a death sentence because one of the vampires had a baby with a human. They think she's an immortal child but she isn't" I told them.

"Who the bloody hell turns a kid into a vampire?!" Exclaimed Bekah.

"Sick people Bekah. But the point is that we didn't do that and now we need people to witness. There might be a fight but I know that you will most likely stay for that" I said laughing at the end.

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