【Chapter 3】

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It was now lunchtime and so far I've had 3 classes with the cullens.

I've noticed that they are all pale, all have gold eyes and in one of my lessons the girl with short hair I think her name was Alice stared straight ahead of her for about 2 minutes, not blinking.

They are definitely supernatural, or maybe there just extremely weird.

I grabbed an apple from the food court and sat down at a empty table giving people glares every time they start walking towards me.

I hate people they can all fuck off.

I felt my phone start to vibrate so I reached into my back pocket and looked at the screen. Immediately my eyes lit up.

I pressed the answer button.
"Hey lijah" I greeted my other brother.

"Hello Drea. How is playing human?" He asked.

I huffed.

"I'm bet. I'm currently chasing round a doppelgänger that refuses to believe I mean her friends no harm"

I laughed, huh. He finally met Elena.

"Hmm. Elena is an annoying paranoid swine" I told him.

"You knew?!" He asked, I could hear the anger but he would never truly be angry with me. I'm the angel in the family.

"Yes brother. I originally was surprised to learn of her existence but I met her and wanted nothing more than to kill her so I asked someone to tip niklaus off" I said with a grin on my face, I imagined killing her before and it always lifts my mood.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the cullens staring at me intently making me confused.


"Yes Drea?"

"What do you know of supernatural creatures with gold eyes, pale and freezing skin?" I asked him looking at the family. I saw them tense which made me add to my list, superheating.

"And enhanced hearing" I told him making the family look at me and see I was watching them.

I watched them whisper to each other and the two that are my mates; which I didn't even know was possible to have two mates, they were staring at me with concern probably thinking I would reject them if I found out what they are.

"Well sister, I do recall reading about something called cold ones. They are like us but they are frozen. They drink blood, they have speed and enhanced senses. They can be killed by ripping them apart and burning them. Why do you ask?" He explained to me with a hint of concern.

"Because I'm staring at some" I told him grinning at the people who I now know as cold ones.

"Hmm. Be careful sister." He hummed.

"Yes Elijah I'll talk to you later"

I hung up the phone and looked at the cullens once more before the bell rang and I went to my maths lesson.

Once I arrived at the lesson I saw both of my mates at the back sitting with a spare seat between them motioning for me to sit there.

The goddess looked concerned and the giant teddy bear was grinning like a maniac.

I walked over to them and sat down, I could feel their eyes burning into my face.

I sighed.
"Will you stop staring at me." I blushed.

I faced the giant teddy bear and he gave be a big smile.
"You are just to beautiful not to stare at" he whispered in my ear.

I blushed again, fucking stupid mate bond making me blush at everything they say.

"You know what we are." my rose stated.


"And your not scared?" She asked hesitantly.


"Why?" Asked teddy bear who still hasn't told me his name.

"I'll explain after school. Are you going to tell me your name or am I just gunna have to call you teddy bear?" I asked facing him with my signature Mikaelson smirk.

"Emmett" he grinned.

I hummed and went back to listening to the teacher even though I already knew everything he was telling me.


It was now the end of school and I was waiting by my car because I had a feeling the family of cold ones would approach me.

"Hello! I'm Alice."

I nearly cringed at the all to happy voice but I turned around and she just looked so cute so I decided I would like her.

"I'm Andrea" I introduced myself.

She smiled a knowing smile one that I did not like.

"Can you follow my family and I back to our house. Because you know what we are and our coven leader slash father would want to know how and he would also like to meet you." She asked me.

I nodded.

Coven? Kinda like witches then.

I slid into my car and followed them, they drive like maniacs. How they are allowed on the road I will never know.

Once we had arrived at their house my door was opened for me by Emmett. I giggled. Actually giggled. I never do that. They've broken me. I don't like it. Or maybe I do. I don't know yet.

I followed them into the house, I also happened to notice that Emmett had grabbed my hand and not let go which is didn't mind I found it comforting.

"Hello I'm Carlisle this is my mate esme" a pale blonde haired man said.

I looked to his left where another pale woman stood, she had a kind motherly smile.  I smiled back at them both.

"I'm Andrea"

"Let's sit and talk" he motioned to the couch. I sat next to Rosalie and Emmett which made everyone smile slightly.

"So what do you know" he asked.

"I know your a different kind of vampire" I told him bluntly. He nodded.

"What do you mean different kind?"

I was honestly shocked they have never seen my kind of vampire before.

"Well there are two different kinds, you guys and ones who burn in the sun and are not pale and hard skinned" I told them

"How do you know?" He asked whilst his family listened intently.

"Because I'm also a vampire just not your kind" I told him.

"Prove it" I head Emmett say.

I nodded and turned to him and let my vampire face show.

"Woah" he grinned.

My face turned back to normal and I smiled at him glad he didn't find me scary.

"How did you turn?" Asked someone I think his name was Edward.

I tensed.

"Hey you don't have to tell us. Some of us have traumatic turnings too" said Rosalie grabbing my hand. I smiled slightly.

"No it's ok. I'll tell you my story"

 I'll tell you my story"

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