【Chapter 63】

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The next day Rosalie, Emmett and I decided to ask Carlisle to find out the gender for us. All of the vampires in the Cullens house agreed not to use their hearing to listen in.

The rest of the family stood outside whilst Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle and I walked into his medical room.

I got up onto the bed and unbuttoned my jeans slightly so that they could rest below my stomach, I then grabbed my shirt and lifted it so that it rest just under my bra.

Carlisle put some of the gel onto my stomach and used the machine to look at the baby.
"Are you sure you want to find out the gender?" He asked.

I glanced at Rose and Emmy and they both nodded.
"Yes please" I said to Carlisle who smiled.

After a few seconds of looking at the screen he smiled.
"Well it looks like a girl" he said and I grinned.

I looked at Rosalie and Emmett who were both smiling. Emmett lent down and kissed me softly, he then pulled back so Rosalie could kiss me.

"A girl" Rose smiled.

I smirked and looked at Emmett.
"Well looks like your still outnumbered" I told him making him pout.

"A boy could have evened us up. You two bully me all the time and now our daughters going to bully me" Emmett said sadly.

"We don't bully you" I scoffed as Rosalie nodded in agreement.

"You do." Emmett muttered quietly as I wiped the gel off of my stomach.

"Here" Carlisle said handing Rosalie 3 scan photos.

I fixed my clothes as Rosalie handed Emmett one of the photos and then me.
"She's so cute" Emmett said looking at the 4D scan that Carlisle had printed off.

I smiled softly at the picture and stood up.

"Let's tell everyone" I said and they nodded in agreement. We walked outside with Carlisle to where everyone was waiting anxiously.

"Well?" Bekah asked.

"It's a girl!" I told her and she squealed speeding forwards and hugging me.



"I will be the best uncle ever!"

"No kol! I will be the best uncle!"

"I believe you are both wrong."

I laughed as everyone talked at the same time and Bekah rolled her eyes as our brothers started to fight.

I laughed as everyone talked at the same time and Bekah rolled her eyes as our brothers started to fight

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A/N Sorry it's a short chapter but there will be another one being posted today :)

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