【Chapter 29】

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I woke up with a jolt as I heard a bang from downstairs. My mates looked at me worried but I just shrugged it off knowing that it was probably one of my siblings since we have a compelled human and the only vampires that can get in are Stefan and Damon. And Damon would never hurt me since I'm his best friend and Stefan will be killed if he was to hurt me.

Rosalie, Emmett and I had a shared shower to wash off the smell of sex. After our shower we got dressed, and Rosalie and Emmett went downstairs into the living room. I decided to wear a tight black mini skirt and a matching black crop top, I then put on some heels and curled my hair.

After I had finished getting ready I sped downstairs and joined my mates in the living room. Before I could say anything I heard the sound of chains and what sounded like Rebekah's voice.

I furrowed my brows and walked over to the hall, I opened the doors and saw Damon hanging from the ceiling. I turned around when I heard a gasp and saw my mates looking at the scene, horrified.

"Bekah?" I questioned.

She turned around and smirked at me.
"Hey Drea!" She said happily.

"Wha-?" I questioned her dumbfounded.

"He used me." She told me and I glared at Damon deciding not to help him. I nodded to her to show I wouldn't try to help him and she smiled and turned back to him.

"I found them in the shed. What kind of monster would trap a poor defenceless animal" Rebekah said walking over to the table and grabbing a knife.

"Why aren't you helping him?" Rosalie asked me.

I shrugged.
"He might be my best friend but he used my sister. He hurt her feelings and nobody does that to her except me" I told her and she smiled a little at how much I cared about my family.

Emmett was grinning at the scene.

"I gotta admit even for me, it's a little kinky" he told her wincing from the spikes that were sticking into his hands.

"You pretended to be interested in me, and then you slept with me so your trampy friend sage could steal my thoughts." Bekah said circling him like prey. I scowled at the mention of sage's name, I don't like her.

"Ever since then, I've felt this incessant need to one up you, so I've decided to bleed the vervain from your system" she said stopping in front of him and ripping his shirt open.

Damon grinned trying not to show how much pain he was in from the spikes. He winced as Bekah dragged the knife along his stomach.

"Bekah wouldn't it be much easier to hang him upside down if your bleeding him of vervain?" I asked her and she scowled at me.

"Shut up! I'm doing it my way" she pointed the knife at me and I put my hands up in surrender grinning.

"You wanna compel me to be your boyfriend?" Damon asked scoffing and sending me a glare. I just gave him a look that said 'it's your own fault' to which he sighed at.

"Actually I'd rather compel your to kill your brother. Or Elena" Bekah said. His face dropped at the mention of the doppelgänger making me roll my eyes.

"But since vampires heal, bleeding you may take a while. I should probably stick to the major arteries" she said dragging the knife right across his jugular.

She sighed happily as Damon groaned in pain making me laugh, Nik then walked into the room grinning at the scene.

"Well look what you caught. If your trying to bleed him of vervain, think it would be easier to hang him upside down?" Nik told her making me laugh quietly and Emmett looked at me in amusement.

"Not you to! I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain, thank you very much" Bekah told him.

"I wouldn't try Nik I told her the same thing" I said to him and he smiled in amusement.

"Oh. Very well, excuse me. It's not like we both have any expertise in the matter" Nik said motioning to him and myself.

"You know, why don't you just leave me be and go and manage your witch" Bekah told him and he laughed.
"And take Andrea with you! She's hovering over me" she yelled at him as he started walking away.

I pouted wanting to watch the torture as Rosalie looked at me in disbelief and I just smiled at her as my brother walked over to me and linked his arm with mine. We both walked out with my mates following us.

We walked into the living room and Nik unlinked his arm with mine and my mates and I sat on the couch across from Bonnie.

"Tick tock. I should hear chanting by now." Klaus told the witch.

"I'm still studying the unlinking spell, it's not that easy. Especially under duress" Bonnie told him.

"Hi Bonnie" I said to her waving because she had yet to notice me, she looked up and smiled slightly.

"Hi Drea" she said before klaus leaned over her threateningly.

"You've been warned, if your looking for a way to send for help. I will kill anyone who comes to your rescue" he told her and I frowned.

"Nik leave her alone. Magic is hard to do, especially when you haven't even learnt the spell properly. If she messes up there could be side effects so just let her work" I told him and Bonnie sent me a thankful smile.

"This is the spell. I just don't know if I'm strong enough" Bonnie said not believing in herself.

"Then you should have a little more faith in yourself Bonnie. Your energy helped my mother link us. Honestly I think someone isn't trying very hard" klaus said to her. She still looked hesitant.
"Very well" klaus said pulling out his phone.

I sighed knowing he was going to threaten someone's life, Rosalie took my hand in hers and started playing with my fingers and I smiled softly.

"Kol" Nik said and I smiled at the mention of my twin, who I haven't seen all week.
"How's the weather up there in mile high city?" He asked.

"And how's our friend? May I see him?" he asked showing Bonnie a video of Jeremy.
"There's Jeremy. Playing fetch with his new puppy, isn't that just the most adorable thing you've ever seen"

Bonnie glanced at me worriedly I gave her a reassuring smile knowing that if she just did as Nik wanted then nobody would be hurt.

"Thank you kol. Yes Drea's fine" he said making me smile at him at the mention of my name.

"We'll be in touch." Klaus said hanging up and putting the phone back into his pocked.

"So bonnie, how about that spell?" He asked rhetorically.

Bonnie frowned but went and sat back down on the couch and started looking over the spell again.

Bonnie frowned but went and sat back down on the couch and started looking over the spell again

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