【Chapter 33】

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A/N Sorry I haven't updated for the last few days, I've been sick lol but I'm better now so imma update regularly. <3

I walked to the large closet that I had in my room and went right to the back where all of my favourite outfits were for each decade.

I grabbed a black and gold flapper dress and some matching jewellery, I styled my hair into a 20s style and put on some heeled black shoes.

Just as I had finished putting on my shoes Rose walked into my room and looked me up and down.

"You look beautiful" she said as I got up and kissed her softly.

"Thank you. It's my favourite outfit from the 20s. I think there's a few more" I told her grabbing her hand and leading her out of my room and down the hall to a room we kept most of our old clothes in that we didn't want to get rid of. Mostly mine and Bekah's clothes.

We walked inside and I took her to the 20s section.
"Take anything you want" I told her smiling at the look of awe on her face.

I walked out of the room leaving her to get changed, I walked into our room and saw Emmett packing.

"Want any help?" I asked him and he pouted at me.

"Now your offering to help" he pouted.

I laughed and walked over to where he was standing and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I'm sorry Emmy-bear" I told him looking up at him with puppy eyes.

He sighed and kissed my lips lightly.
"You look really beautiful" he told me smiling.

"Thank you Emmy"

Rose walked into the room all dressed up she looked stunning, she had chosen to wear a black flapper dress along with a white gloves and some pearls.

I smiled at her when she handed me a curler and brush.
"Do my hair?" She asked and I nodded.

She sad down on the bed and I crawled behind her and started to do her hair.

"Both of my girls look gorgeous" Emmett said watching us, I blushed a little.

"Thanks em" Rose said.

Once I was done styling Rosies hair she put her shoes on and we kissed Emmett goodbye.
We walked downstairs where klaus was waiting.

"Well don't you both look stunning" he complimented and I smiled at him when he held his arm out.

"Thanks Nik" I linked my arm with his as I held Rosalie's hand.


We arrived at the dance and everyone was dancing, I saw Bonnie with some unknown guy and Caroline with Matt.

Nik walked off to do his own thing and I walked over to get a drink with Rose following. I poured us both a drink and gave one to Rose, I know she can't drink it but it's nice to look semi normal.

I smirked spotting Tyler in the crowd, Caroline walked over to him fuming making me laugh.

"What's so funny?" Rose asked in amusement.

"That guy over there, he's one of my brothers hybrids and he mysteriously disappeared and now he's back which probably was an idiotic thing to do since my brother is in the same room as him and he wasn't supposed to be able to go anywhere since he was sired to him" I explained to her and she nodded along.

"Come on let's dance" she said to me grabbing my hand, I put my drink down and allowed her to drag me to the dance floor.

After we had danced to a couple of songs I noticed my brother approaching Tyler and Caroline and I smirked.

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